Need a #DND fantasy name in a hurry?! Turn any real word into a fantasy name in three simple steps!
1) Turn any y’s into i’s.
2) Turn any one other vowel into a y, or add an e to make it a double vowel.
3) Throw a silent h in somewhere.
You’re whelcyme.
— Scott Fitzgerald Gray (@scottfgray) September 21, 2021
— Alyssa Visscher (@alyssavisscher) September 22, 2021
Also a popular way to name your children in the 21st century.
— Keith Ammann (@KeithAmmann) September 22, 2021
Note: If this is an Elvish name, it needs about 50 apostrophes. Indeed. Apostrophes are part of my advanced course.
— Scott Fitzgerald Gray (@scottfgray) September 22, 2021