No, you're not @matthewmercer. You're not @ChrisPerkinsDnD. You're not @mikemearls, @satinephoenix, @JeremyECrawford, @sherlock_hulmes, or any other DM you measure yourself against. And you don't need to be. Because you're you, and you're perfect for your group and your table.
— Guardians of the Multiverse (@GuardiansDnD) December 27, 2018
This! You are you in all your youness! ✨🤗✨
— O'l St Squeenix as Vlahnya in @Idlechampions (@satinephoenix) December 27, 2018
Truth. Get out there and DM in the style that inspires you, then change it, improve on it and roll your life experiences in, and you’ll have created a style all your own and absolutely worth enjoying by players far and wide.
— RutyNewYear (@RutyWoot) December 29, 2018
Just in case though, if you are me be sure to do the laundry tonight.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) December 28, 2018