“How surprisingly insightful of you, Elvar. And here we’ve been thinking of you as a headstrong, rather dense buffoon.”
“NOW who’s making with the compliments?”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 8, 2020
“Those are compliments?”
“Lady, being as they included not the words cruel, idiot, brutal, or tyrant…yes.”
“I see the bar is rather low.”
“We ARE speaking of kings.”#epicfantasy 3)
“Entertaining as it always seems to be, to criticize those on the thrones near and far, I’d prefer if for once we spoke of matters more practical and helpful. Er, yes, Palonder?”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 8, 2020
“A baldric, Sire. Salvaged from those soldiers. If you stop and put it on, we can arrange water-skins about your person for more comfortable carrying.”
“That practical enough for you?”
“Lady, I was hoping Wolf would enlighten…#epicfantasy 5)
…us about where he’s leading us right now, and why.”
“You expect him to tell the truth? Why would he break the habits of a lifetime?”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 8, 2020