Long time reader, first time caller.
Q barra, Zilargo, Aerenal, and Xen’drick are described as jungles. On Earth, there is a difference between the Amazon, African, Papua New Guinea, and S.E Asia jungles. Some differences in flora and fauna.
What about Eberron? Those regions are quite different in terms of flora and fauna. Part of this is due to the influence of manifest zones; Aerenal in particular produces a variety of unusual forms of lumber that can’t be grown elsewhere.— Keith Baker
DragonCon (@HellcowKeith) August 12, 2019
Q’barra has extensive dragonshard deposits and a wide range of reptilian creatures (from lizard folk to dinosaurs), possibly related to the presence of the Overlord Masvirik. Almost all environments can be found in Xen’drik, and even within the continent itself there’s a wide range of different jungle environments.
— Keith Baker
DragonCon (@HellcowKeith) August 12, 2019