@seanbonney @wotc_rodneyDoes Halfling Nimblness allow them to ignore Difficult Terrain when moving through another creature’s space? #dnd5e no – main advantage is you can move through enemies
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) September 17, 2014
Thinking of houseruling that adjusted encounter XP = actual XP
@OwariHeronThinking of houseruling that adjusted encounter XP = actual XP. Any reason why this isn’t RAW? Any pitfalls to be aware of? Thx! it makes hordes of weaker creatures a more appealing fight, if players metagame that. not game breaking
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) September 17, 2014
Does Magic Armor stacks with Unarmored Defense?
@MarcoBianchi10magic armor stacks with unarmored defense( like dex + wis to ac for a monk)? use one or the other
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) September 17, 2014
How does dispel magic work vs. Invisibility?
. @magehammerHow does dispel magic work vs. Invisibility? How can you target what you can’t see? Or is Dis Mgc more of an area of effect? how an invis creature could not be hidden, you can see its footsteps, hear it move, etc. You know where it is but can't see it
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) September 17, 2014
How does dispel magic work vs. Invisibility?
. @magehammerHow does dispel magic work vs. Invisibility? How can you target what you can’t see? Or is Dis Mgc more of an area of effect? invisible does not equal hidden = can target if invisible but not hidden, but not if the invisible creature is hidden
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) September 17, 2014
Monks,Arcane Tricksters, and EldKnights. Is wizard list considered their list for use of scrolls and staves?
@Brail4Monks,Arcane Tricksters,aned EldKnights.Is wizard list considered their list for use of scrolls and staves? I'd rule that they access only those spells they could gain from those subclasses
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) September 17, 2014
Crossbow Expert: how do you reload a hand crossbow with a weapon/shield/hand crossbow in your other hand?
@FaolanOrchammerCrossbow Expert: how do you reload a hand crossbow with a weapon/shield/hand crossbow in your other hand? very carefully! I imagine you just juggle items back and forth during your turn.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) September 17, 2014
Could I use the playtest Exploration rules without much issue?
@monstermanual @mikemearlsCould I use the playtest Exploration rules without much issue? I want to do some hex-crawling. You might run across a few glitches, but go ahead and give them a try!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) September 17, 2014