@chimerasameCan a low-init character ready an action, then take that action if legit triggered by a high-init character in the next round? yes
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 16, 2014
if a fighter with the Duelist combat type uses a shield, does he still get his bonus?
@JJenks3 Hey Mike, if a fighter with the Duelist combat type uses a shield, does he still get his bonus? The text reads “no weapon”. Thx yes, believe so.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 16, 2014
I see you
@eerongal hiding: attacking w/ ranged it says you give away your location, does this cancel hiding? Doesn’t say you are “seen” or “heard” Yes, others are aware of you
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 16, 2014
So THACO is an option in the PHB?
@Celestian_GCSo THACO is an option in the PHB? The real question, is it included in the adventures stat blocks? #adnd it's in the DMG
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 17, 2014
If I have reach (10 ft), do I only get an opportunity attack if enemy moves to 15 ft?
@AirPower25quick Q. If I have reach (10 ft), do I only get an opportunity attack if enemy moves to 15 ft? yes, you attack when they leave your reach
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 18, 2014
At 1st level, if you take a long rest, do you regain 1 HD back or none?
@dndiy_ft Quick question for you: at 1st level, if you take a long rest. Do you regain 1 HD back or none(from rounding down of .5)? thx! you get 1 – should be min. 1 for long rest
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 19, 2014
How does the term ‘per turn’ work?
@Callan_s Hi! How does the term ‘per turn’ work? Could a PC who can make an attack ‘per turn’ make an attack on everyone elses turn? yes, though you'd still need to use your action or reaction
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 19, 2014
What would the action sequence be like for sheathing one weapon,drawing another,and attacking?
what would the action sequence be like for sheathing one weapon,drawing another,and attacking?Is that all 1 action? @Brail4 yeah – the intent is to avoid punishing players for that stuff by charging an action
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 19, 2014
@vikke064 @Brail4In http://t.co/QnCyUIc02C it seems you only get strictly one interaction, either sheathing or drawing a weapon. DM is free to make a call, based on the situation
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 21, 2014