@icosahedronIs there an official twitter account for rules questions? i'm kind of the closest thing for now
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 18, 2014
Can dodging character with Sanctuary block chokepoint?
@jameseposeyCan dodging character with Sanctuary block chokepoint? Internet thinks it’s OP, debate is lively. http://tinyurl.com/n6b5s7q stuff like this is a big part of giving DMs tools to adjudicate and improvise – so many situational elements in an RPG
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 18, 2014
What’s the story with the icon on the top left of each classes art panel?
@mmaranda @Wizards_DnDwhat’s the story with the icon on the top left of each classes art panel? @mikemearls each class gets an icon. I think emi tanji designed them
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 20, 2014
Do reach weapons threaten 10 feet for the purposes of triggering opportunity attacks?
@Rick___DeckardRules clarification: Do reach weapons threaten 10 feet for the purposes of triggering opportunity attacks? yes
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 20, 2014
Phandelver Redbrand Hideout
Redbrand Hideout Room 9 in the Starter Set is a deadly 1200XP of 1000XP budget for 5 LVL 2 characters. Intentional?
@limpin_jezus @Wizards_DnDRedbrand Hideout Room 9 in the Starter Set is a deadly 1200XP of 1000XP budget for 5 LVL 2 characters. Intentional? yes – charging in is a dangerous tactic, PCs are much better off trying to trick them.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 20, 2014
Publish 5e adventure
@jamesfloydkellyany estimated timeline for guidance on publishing our own 5e adventures? Legality info, too? still in the works – once the DMG is done, we'll have a clear picture of what's out there for people to refer to
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 21, 2014
Can True Polymorph be cast on self?
@HugeCBCan True Polymorph be cast on self? Some say only works on others, citing loss of spellcasting ability. yes, just remember that concentration breaks it and the caster could stick into the form permanently
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 21, 2014
@HugeCB @CHoffos I think you’d lose your class & spellcasting while True Poly is active, but can maintain concentration on it. yup – for instance, some magic items require concentration or let you cast spells that need it, even if you can't cast.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 21, 2014
Paladin divine smite
@AnonVonZilch Divine smite refers to “paladin spell slots.” How does this interact with multiclassing, or is the word “paladin” redundant? paladin is redundant
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 22, 2014