@Pomp31us Does Truesight see through Illusions that are only in a target’s mind, like Phantasmal Killer/Force or Weird? Thanks. DM's judgment, but I'd say no
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 22, 2014
Where is the Generalist wizard!?
@phildackMuch as I love #dnd5e Wizard schools, realised last night 1 is missing, oldest & much loved: @mikemearls where is the Generalist wizard!? didn't include one because schools no longer restrict spell access
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 22, 2014
Run Rogue hidden Run!
@DragonFistersCould a rogue hidden behind cover run to a target & Sneak Attack; are they hidden until after attacking or after leaving cover? hidden until leave, but Adam might rule creature is distracted
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 22, 2014
Can a Barbarian2/Warlock3 retrain an invocation into Pact Blade?
@kilpatdsCan a Barb2/Lock3 retrain an invocation into Pact Blade? (ie: is 5th level 5th level? or 5th warlock level? also, retrain rules) up to the DM – depends on group expectations
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 22, 2014
Multiclass casters cantrip
@sagechan1Ftr5/Wiz5/Clr5 you’d be a 15th lvl character, 10th lvl spellcaster, is dmg for cantrips on char lvl or caster lvl? char level
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 24, 2014
Hidden Burning Hands
@AgentQrangeI’m casting Burning Hands on you, I’m hidden, you don’t know I’m there. Do you get disadvantage on that saving throw? DM's call
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 25, 2014
In D&D 5e the number of monster’s Hit Dice how are calculated? Are determined by the CR?
@WolfHunter83 if I may ask, in D&D 5e the number of monster’s Hit Dice how are calculated? Are determined by the CR? Start with HD, then determine CR. The CR calculation includes both offense (atks, dmg) and defense (AC, hp)
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 25, 2014
Does a Monk have to stand in place to make Flurry of Blows attacks?
@VanakojiDoes a monk have to stand in place to make flurry of blows attacks or can he move between attacks as if they were extra attacks. monk can move
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 18, 2014
@VanakojiThanks, been a split on whether the immediately part of flurry meant you could atk>move>atk>move>atk>move>atk or atk>move>atk x3 when in doubt with the monk, ask "What would Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan do?" That answer is probably correct.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 18, 2014
@Gyor1 @Vanakojiafter see the ToCs for the MM, its driving me nuts, what’s an Empyrean? it's similar to a classic, Greek god-style titan
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 18, 2014
@Gyor1 @Vanakoji as depicted in D&D, a la AD&D
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 18, 2014