Is Foilsunder the Green Dragon that ruined Sir Isteval’s leg in Winterwood?Heh. I'm not sure Sir Isteval got the number of the dragon that hit him. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 12, 2017
Could a paladin of Tempus serve a an additional god?
could a human paladin of tempus, serve a an additinonal god if he was a cleric of Waukeen? Kinda like a war dog/profiteer?DMs can rule as they like, but if I'm in the saddle: NO. A paladin of one deity is dedicated to that deity, as is a cleric. 1/2
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 19, 2017
Lay worshippers believe in, and can venerate, all deities, but clergy and paladins are dedicated. There are alliances among deities, though.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 19, 2017
Thank you Ed! Always appreciate and love the knowledge for my players, game, and world building. 😀 A pleasure! Think of it this way: a DEITY may command or "lend" a mortal to the causes of another deity, but to be a cleric or paladin, …
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 19, 2017
…the mortal must dedicate themselves to 1 deity. Due to alliances (e.g. Triad) they may wind up aiding clergy and/or paladins of othergods
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 19, 2017
Where was Elminster during Shars Shadowstorm and the decimation of ordulin?
I have a question. An old question. Where was elminster during Shars Shadowstorm and the decimation of ordulin?Busy! See THE HERALD, my Sundering novel. (Its events overlap those of Paul Kemp's superb THE GODBORN, wherein Ordulin "bought it").
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 12, 2017
You mentioned that Omen Draun was going to be in a D&D story. Know the Title?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD sorry to bug you about this, but you mentioned a while ago that Omen Draun was going to be in a D&d story. Know the Title?
— PickpocketJames (@PickpocketJames) July 11, 2017
Omin Dran makes a brief appearance as a Lord of Waterdeep in the novel DEATH MASKS, by Ed Greenwood. #WOTCstaff
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) July 11, 2017
With the abundance of magical creatures what sorts of cuisine does the Sword Coast specialize in?
with the abundance of magical creatures(and magic for that matter) what sorts of cuisine does the sword coast specialize in?The Sword Coast specializes in fresh fish, for obvious reasons. Inland: still plentiful wild game, roasted with wild-growing herbs & berries
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 17, 2017
How does the Dragon Tower compare to Manshoon’s Tower High?
Also, if I may ask, how does the Dragon Tower compare to my favourite, the Tower High (stories, size etc).
~ GGHeh. Which "Tower High" ?— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 8, 2017
Manshoon's Tower High stands atop a knoll, so looms over surroundings. It's a black stone complex of many towers, with a thick central…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 8, 2017
…cylindrical tower. All towers but one capped with conical roofs, but whereas the Dragon Tower is a graceful slender spire, Tower High…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 8, 2017
is more "hulking fortress." :} The Tower High is a full-on castle (big enough to house a community), whereas Maaril's home is a keep for a..
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 8, 2017
..lone wizard with a small staff/household. Maaril took over a crumbling mansion and in a tenday, with elemental aid, built his tower…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 8, 2017
…magically fusing the stones together (an effect that will survive any anti-magic/dispelling/purging, because the spells worked and were..
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 8, 2017
…done, leaving the stone bonded). The crumbling mansion that preceded Maaril's residence once belonged to Altharl Elcorldrake, an early…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 8, 2017
rich merchant "wannabe noble" of Waterdeep, who devised many things, sponsored many others, and hid cached wealth all over the city…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 8, 2017
… (little treasure lodes that still get found from time to time). :}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 8, 2017
Are there any large meteor craters on the face of Toril?
Hello Ed. I have a forgotten realms question.
Are there any large meteor craters on the face of Toril?Yes. Most of them are undersea or under the icecap (Endless Ice Sea).— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 28, 2017
Can I ask how rich are persons like Manshoon, Maaril, Malchor, Harpell, Szass Tam?
Once again, thanks in advance- Can I ask how rich (coins and other liquid assets) are persons like Manshoon, Maaril, Malchor….. Harpell, Szass Tam? Millions? tens of millions? ~ Thanks GG
— Gareth ! (@garethgarfoot) July 10, 2017
Thanks to non-liquid assets (property) and influence/domination/menace, which allow all powerful mages (who want to) to control things…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 10, 2017
…without owning them. For example, Szass Tam owns very little of Thay, but CONTROLS much of it. AND Thayan enclaves all over Faerun.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 10, 2017
You know the old saying: "If you can count it, you're not really rich?" Applies here; few wizards, once they pass the "can I feed and…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 10, 2017
…shelter myself?" threshold, care about wealth. Possessing every scrap of MAGIC, now…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 10, 2017
Once again, and as always many thanks. I love to hear snippets of realmslore about my favourites. I hope the questions are not a bother. ~GGOh, no, I love talking Realmslore. Sometimes I have to duck queries when I know something that can't yet be divulged due to NDAs, though.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 10, 2017