@mattdomvilleIOW: Spells known for multiclass characters are determined by individual class in all respects, including changing spells? Yes.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 8, 2016

When True Polymorph is done, can it be dispelled anymore?
@CanaDutchian @mikemearls When True Polymorph is done (after 1 hour), can it be dispelled anymore? Yes.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 23, 2016

Is there a list of what deals half damage on a successful save?
If something in the game deals half damage on a successful save, the text says so. #DnD https://t.co/BPIMN2ze6e
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 9, 2017
@bmfrosty @mikemearls is there a list of what should be implicit and what should be explicit somewhere? Look at general rules first (conditions, combat, spellcasting, etc.) then exceptions (class features, spells, etc.).
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 10, 2017

Vampire turns into Mist, can it be dispelled?
@JeremyECrawford Vampire turns into Mist form due to falling to 0 HP: is it a polymorph effect and as such can it be dispelled?
— Chris (@ratsenib) April 9, 2017
Dispel magic ends spells. A vampire isn't casting a spell when it turns into mist, so dispel magic has no effect on it. #DnD https://t.co/Be5q7270b8
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) April 9, 2017

Oozes can be grappled. Does this mean I can prevent a Gelatinous cube…
@JeremyECrawford Oozes can be grappled. Does this mean I can prevent a Gelatinous cube from using it's "Engulf" action by grappling them?
— Jolzeres (@Jolzeres) May 3, 2017
If an ability requires you to move 1 or more feet to use it and you can't move, then the ability can't currently be used. #DnD https://t.co/i3sA2TUKEh
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) May 3, 2017

Do Winged Boots prevent falling into pits?
@JeremyECrawford What's your call? Do Winged Boots prevent falling into pits? I could see it either way.
— Ben Miller (@vmFoo) January 24, 2017
Winged boots give a flying speed. You can use that speed to move. The boots don't auto-activate to prevent a fall if you're on foot. #DnD https://t.co/5AsvQgMY32
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 30, 2017

Is the Arcana check to copy a spell from a scroll…
@pukunui81Is the Arcana check to copy a spell from a scroll in lieu of the time and money costs or in addition to them? In addition
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 23, 2016

Does a paladin’s Lay On Hands feature require ‘a free hand’ ?
@JeremyECrawford Does a paladin's Lay On Hands feature require 'a free hand' – or can they use it as long as they are close enough to touch?
— Ken Ross (@RossPubGrp) January 11, 2017
Lay on Hands requires you to touch the target. The feature isn't concerned with how you execute the touch. #DnD https://t.co/L70cAAl8x0
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 11, 2017
@FatalisSmilodonGood to know I can ignore the title of the spell in determining how it works. You are welcome to play the feature's name literally. In which case, I recommend laying both of your hands on the target.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 11, 2017
Most groups play a feature like Lay on Hands with the name in mind—laying on a hand. Yet the rules don't say what the touch entails #DnD https://t.co/Ou33yKmBmA
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 11, 2017
@TehPaigeyou mean the wounded don’t have to lay down on top of the paladin’s hands? Hahahaha!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 11, 2017