.@EranthiusWhat are your home brew rules for potion brewing in 5E? I don’t have rules, I roleplay it! PC describes what they try and I describe what happens. (No DM trust issues in my games.)
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 6, 2015
Where to buy old adventures
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Wondering if you know of a good place to purchase old hard copy's of d&d adventures?
— Taylor Leedahl (@weilandtaytay) June 8, 2015
Gaming conventions such as Gen Con or Gamehole. There are usually one or two retailers selling 1E D&D collectibles. https://t.co/w87DXMyugd
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) June 8, 2015
Dealing with uptight players
@ChrisPerkinsDnD how do you recommend dealing with a player that is quite up tight and won't have fun!
— Leon rook (@leon_rook) June 8, 2015
Give it time. Most uptight players eventually pull the pickles out of their butts and relax once they feel safe. https://t.co/ucirN4IfgD
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) June 8, 2015
Magic circle against area of effect spells
@mikemearls @ChrisPerkinsDnD @JeremyECrawford magic circle and creatures disnvtage on attacks outside, what happens to spells like fireball?
— Santiago Torres (@daedel) June 8, 2015
A fireball has no attack roll. The magic circle offers no protection against it. https://t.co/3drDZKNuiI
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) June 8, 2015
Ed’s dress
Writers make up stuff and spin yarns for a living. So being a writer is like being a politician, only without a dress code.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 28, 2015
Contingency spell and rest
@SlyFlourishif a wizard casts a contingency spell and then rests for a day, do they regain both slots and still have the contingency?
The wizard regains the slots. The spell would tell you if the slots were unavailable.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) June 9, 2015
Permanent polymorph
@JeremyECrawford If a PC gets true polymorphed and it becomes permanent, what happens to the character?
— Derek Stucki (@derekstucki) June 5, 2015
It's up to the player and the DM. I'd let the character stay in the game if the new form wasn't boring or irksome. https://t.co/baXoucbdiP
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) June 9, 2015
Barbarian Reckless attack
@ia_popov When a Barbarian uses”Reckless attack”does it apply to MeleeAttacks only,or to MeleeWeaponAttacks too(e.g. thrown handaxe)?
The intent is that Reckless Attack benefits melee attacks.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) June 9, 2015