@SenorGustavianIf you have an Aarakocra monk, is extra speed added to flying, or just ground speed? I *think* it's just ground speed.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 1, 2015

Is dragon breath a magical effect?
@AseahawkfanIs dragon breath a magical effect? Magical effects are not clearly defined in 5E. It implies dragon’s are magical creatures A monster ability is magical if it involves a spell, is a spell attack, or is described as magical (e.g., Change Shape).
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 31, 2015

Siri can you roll a d20?
I just discovered that Siri can roll a d20. (Or a d4, d6, d8, d10, d20, or d100.)
— James Wyatt (@aquelajames) April 9, 2015
"Roll a d20" or "roll a 20-sided die" both work. Doesn't do multiple dice or modifiers. But "roll the dice" does 2d6.
— James Wyatt (@aquelajames) April 9, 2015

Can an arcane focus be part of a 2 handed weapon or a single weapon ?
Can a arcane focus be part of a two handed weapon or a single weapon , like a clerics holy focus can be part of a shield ?
@CVoluncan a arcane focus be part of a 2 handed weapon or a single weapon , like a clerics holy focus can be part of a shield ? I'd allow it
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) March 31, 2015

Monk draconic sorcerer
@JRobsonSF @mikemearls @JeremyECrawford Multiclass character monk 1/draconic sorcerer 1 wearing no armor. Would AC be 13 + DEX +WIS? Nope. Anything that changes your base AC formula doesn't stack. You pick one or the other
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) March 31, 2015

How do i start/run an Evil party Campaign?
“@TTVsTimmy: How do i start/run an Evil party Campaign?”
Don't plan too far ahead. It'll self-destruct the instant one PC robs another.
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 3, 2015

If you roll for HP and have a negative constitution modifier and roll a 1 would you lose a HP from your max?
@kam2112HP question, if you roll for HP and have a negative con modifier of say -2 and roll a 1 would you lose a HP from your max? nope, minimum is 1
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) March 30, 2015

What is the extent of control of a warlock over her Thrall?
@JRobsonSF @mikemearls @JeremyECrawfordWhat is the extent of control of a warlock over her thrall? ( “Warlock’s Create thrall feature” ) The thrall is charmed by the warlock, but this doesn't necessarily confer control.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) March 30, 2015
@JRobsonSF @mikemearls @JeremyECrawford Of course, the thrall being charmed does make it easier to convince the thrall to do something…
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) March 30, 2015
@JRobsonSFSo the thrall can still make save throws before accepting any suggestions? If not, til what point can I push it before it does? That all really depends on the situation and how the DM wants to run the interaction.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) March 30, 2015
@JRobsonSF Usually, you make Charisma checks to convince someone to do something; the charmed condition gives you advantage on those checks.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) March 30, 2015
@JRobsonSF Of course, a DM could run it a different way, but usually there aren't any saves involved.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) March 30, 2015
@JRobsonSF Deciding when to ask for the check and when to just play things out with descriptions is 100% the DM's call.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) March 30, 2015