One of my players is a druid that uses powers from a daelkyr. My campaign is also shifting to a chamber agent campaign, Would the knowing Chamber Dragon(s) exclude someone affiliated with daelkyr?
Or not care so long as they are assets against the Lords of Dust? I'd say they wouldn't care as long as they're an asset. Consider that Argonessen didn't actually endorse Vvaraak helping Khorvaire deal with the daelkyr; they're largely indifferent.— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) March 17, 2021
Great, That’s what I thought. Follow up on the Vvaraak thing. Even though the chamber did not endorse Vvaraak’s teachings, that wouldn’t make them opposed to having a Gatekeeper Aligned Pawn/agent (multiple of my players’ backups are gatekeepers, we swap out often) No, not at all. Same thing: If they are useful pawns, they will use them. They didn't care to TEACH the Gatekeepers, but what's done is done.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) March 17, 2021