Would a shifter and an orc be capable of having a child?

Ruins of Undermountain, ROOM #20: THE GRIM STATUE Shall the origins and desecration of the Grime Statue remain shrouded in mystery for all time?

Would Dragonborn fit in a Krynn setting? If so, would they be a the offspring of Draconians?

Is there a “God of mailman/mail” in the Forgotten Realms?

Thief subclass gets the Use Magic Device feature: would such a character be able to pilot a Lyrander Airship without a Marked Storm Heir?

What have been the major changes in Waterdeep from AD&D times to 5e times (ca 1360’s to 1490s)?

How badly would it screw up the game if Legendary creatures treated any roll of a 9- as a 10?