@johnnysmithdnd @mikemearls does reach feature of whips and polearms allow use with cantrips like booming blade, green flame blade at 10′? The reach of those weapons doesn't change the range of those spells.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) September 8, 2016
Does the Arcana Cleric’s Potent Spellcasting add +WIS mod damage?
@JeremyECrawford Does the Arcana Cleric's Potent Spellcasting add +WIS mod damage to the 1st target of Green-Flame Blade, the 2nd, or both?
— Daniel Branton (@danthebran) June 28, 2016
Potent Spellcasting adds to dmg. dealt by a cantrip. GFB: add to 2nd target, then to both targets at 5th lvl. #DnD https://t.co/6J5W53omWB
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) July 21, 2016
Rules favor the Wizard as a ritual caster over other full caster classes!
Which is to say, current PHB rules really favor the Wizard as a ritual caster over other full caster classes
The wizard is intended to be the most flexible ritual caster in the game. #DnD https://t.co/W9e2IQ8Gn0
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) April 7, 2016
@AardvarkBlueTo the point that full casters are paying a feat tax to compete? Balance issue IMNHO. It isn’t a competition. Each spellcasting class has one or more niches. The wizard’s is an unparalleled selection of spells.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) April 7, 2016
@demulhall @AardvarkBlueHaving the spell book is balanced by also relying on it. You can’t pickpocket a Cleric’s ability to pray. Precisely.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) April 7, 2016
Could I take one level in druid, then one in rogue, then druid then another in rogue so on?
@JeremyECrawford In 5th edition, could i take one level in druid, then take one in rogue then another in druid then another in rogue so on??
— Skiyler Aiken (@SkiylerAiken) October 17, 2016
The multiclass rules do, indeed, allow you to have levels in more than one class. Take a look at the rules in the Player's Handbook. #DnD https://t.co/D6gZNKyCOY
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) October 17, 2016
Could one select proficiency in Initiative with a feat like Skilled?
@JeremyECrawford @iscoltrin Could one select proficiency in Initiative with a feat like Skilled?
— INeverUseThis (@FuckYou2) October 19, 2016
Initiative isn't a skill. For a list of the game's skills, see p. 174 in the PH. #DnD https://t.co/2b5ur38zu0
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) October 19, 2016
Primeval Awareness, does the player have to pick one creature type to scan for?
@mikemearls @ChrisPerkinsDnD @JeremyECrawford Primeval Awareness, does the player have to pick one creature type to scan for? or do they just use Primeval Awareness and DM says "There are aberrations, undead, & dragons"
— Isaac Priestley (@weracketeer) August 23, 2016
You don't pick a creature type in Primeval Awareness. The text would tell you if you had to. #DnD https://t.co/upUmQaotms
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 24, 2016
Can Way of the Four Elements Monk replace ‘Elemental Attunement’?
@BigaarononeCan WotFE Monk replace ‘Elemental Attunement’ when they learn their first Discipline at level 3? The intent is that you can replace it starting at 6th level.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) October 31, 2016
Can you cast Polymorph on an unconscious character?
@JeremyECrawford Heya Jeremy. Can you cast Polymorph on an unconscious character?
— Yusaku Asano (@yusakuasano) June 23, 2016
Polymorph: you can cast the spell on an unconscious creature if the creature as at least 1 hit point. #DnD https://t.co/9yBXSy0xfr
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) July 21, 2016