@DigitalXentricI feel somewhat dissapointed by the rules for crafting in the PHB. Is there going to be more source material for downtime? For more downtime options, check out the Dungeon Master's Guide. The book also gives advice on creating even more options.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) February 25, 2015
Int checks would be catch all for monster lore recollection? Why left put of rules explicitly?
@newbiedm hey Rodney, Int checks would be catch all for monster lore recollection, right? Why left put of rules explicitly? If you want to allow it at your table, that's fine, but it's not something we expect to be universal.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) February 24, 2015
@newbiedm We didn't want there to be a default assumption that player characters can just automatically know things about monsters.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) February 24, 2015
@Thedeadlyginger @newbiedmI have thrown out 4e monster checks. I allow them to roll an INT check on dragons if they have a book on dragons. I, too, am more inclined to allow the check if there is an in-world justification beyond "I have a high Int."
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) February 24, 2015
@terrywhisenantAre you saying “lore about the inhabitants of those planes” is a houserule?Or that the DM has to decide if there’s a DC or not. The DM has to decide what lore can be obtained through a simple check, and what lore must be obtained through other means.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) February 24, 2015
What do you draw inspiration from when planning adventures/campaigns?
“@joleary97: what do you draw inspiration from when planning adventures/campaigns?”
History is a huge inspiration. WWII, Ancient Rome, etc.
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) February 24, 2015
Poison bug
@calebrus44 @JeremyECrawford @mikemearlsIs poison applied to a weapon intended to last for the full minute, or until the weapon strikes? Lasts for the full minute.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) February 23, 2015
@wotc_rodney Implication: 20Ftr w/ +3 GSword + purple venom = 952d6+544 w/ ASurge, haste, reaction over 10 rds @zolt4r @JeremyECrawford
— calebrus44 (@calebrus44) February 23, 2015
@JeremyECrawford @wotc_rodney @mikemearls @zolt4r I’m not ready to give the official answer, since this is part of my potential-errata analysis. Fair enough.
— calebrus44 (@calebrus44) February 23, 2015
Sage Advice: You can check Poison basic rule in Player’s Handbook p.153 that only describes: “…the poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying.” In Dungeon Master’s Guide p.257 some poisons could be very lethal if last for 1 minute (10 rounds).
My advice is that applied poison last until the weapon strikes or 1 minute is passed.
Do invocations like “Mask of Many Faces” or “Myriad Forms” require vocal and somatic components?
@JRobsonSF @JeremyECrawford @mikemearlsDo invocations like “Mask of Many Faces” or “Myriad Forms” require vocal and somatic components? If a feature allows you to cast a spell, it still requires all components unless otherwise specified
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) February 24, 2015
First time DM: Don’t let ’em see you sweat
“@dakota_ferrel: hey Chris. Any tips for a first time DM?”
Have fun. Don't let 'em see you sweat.
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) February 24, 2015
Poison condition
@ArravisDruugirSo, any clarity on when the poison condition is used for poisons in the DMG and the basic poison in the PHB? Unless something specifically mentions the poisoned condition in its effect, it doesn't use the condition.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) February 23, 2015
Warlocks rituals and the Tome of Ancient Secrets
@JRobsonSF @JeremyECrawford @mikemearlsWhat would happen to a warlocks rituals if she replaced the Tome of Ancient Secrets invocation? I'd rule they'd be unusable. It is Book of Ancient Secrets that grants the ability to cast rituals.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) February 23, 2015