@YetiMooseFoe jumps up and attacks above. Formula for what they can hit? Height + Jump + Reach? Height x1.5 + Jump + Reach? Just Reach? I'd do height + jump + reach
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 28, 2014
Suffocating garrote
@JamesMusicus If I sneak up on someone with a garrote and choke them, are they “Holding their breath” (minutes) or “Suffocating” (rounds)? suffocating IMO – target wouldn't have a chance to take a deep breath
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 12, 2014
What gender is the Cambion pictured in the Monster Manual?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Hi Chris, please settle a family argument: what gender is the Cambion pictured in the Monster Manual?
— Miracle Alex (@NonagonNonsense) April 19, 2015
The original art order requested a female cambion. What we got is most definitely (fe)male. Ish. https://t.co/cqe3Fn91Kh
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 19, 2015
What sort of feature would a Cultist backround have, do you think?
@Brail4 @ChrisPerkinsDnD @mikemearlsWhat sort of feature would a Cultist backround have, do you think? You could give a cultist background a feature like the criminal's: a network of cult contacts.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 6, 2014
Level up max hit points
@matthileothe PHB / basic rules say you gain hitpoints to your max when leveling up. Do you also gain that many current hitpoitns? yes, both should increase
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 5, 2014
Dual wielding bladesinger, does that work with bladesong?
@Kenealy13dual wielding bladesinger, does that work with bladesong? #dnd no
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) December 5, 2015
@mikemearls @Kenealy13 So then what Mr. Crawford said was false? https://t.co/MPCEy1ppO1
— Andreas Fredman (@andreasfr1) December 30, 2015
@andreasfr1 @Kenealy13 @JeremyECrawford @TheThirdFlash @SKenson I'd go with what Crawford says – there is at times a gap between RAW and RAI
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) December 30, 2015
How much distance would you put between dragon lairs in a world on average?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD How much distance would you put between dragon lairs in a world on average?
— kired (@Kired25) November 12, 2015
Depends on the size of the dragon. Fifty to a hundred miles would be reasonable for older, bigger dragons. https://t.co/jZOBVyJUtf
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) November 12, 2015
4e digital tools
Will the digital tools still be available for 4e? @chrisicool Yep, as long as enough people keep using them, we'll keep them available for the 4E crowd.
— Dungeons & Dragons (@Wizards_DnD) October 14, 2014