I chatted with SUVUDU about the #dnd team's thinking behind certain aspects of the Dungeon Master's Guide: http://t.co/mFBIHBtDk1
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 22, 2014
Rodney Thompson returns podcast!
Our newest podcast is up! @wotc_rodney returns to talk D&D 5E! http://t.co/3hNxk8hZq1
— James Dawsey (@VigilancePress) December 17, 2014
Is it correct that you can use Sneak Attack on Undeads?
@Rugholm86 Q: A players of mine was surprise that he could Sneak Attack Undeads. is it correct that you can use Sneak Attack on Undeads? There is no rules reason why they cannot. A DM could make a ruling based on a particular situation, but even undead have weak pts
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) December 16, 2014
Iron Cobra
“@newbiedm: looking for a 5e equivalent of the iron cobra.”
Giant poisonous snake with golem resistances and immunities?
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) December 16, 2014
Monster Manual CR
@martywalser @mikemearlsMonster Manual stats seem lower than guides in DMG for making CR-leveled monsters. Are MM monsters under powered? We don't think so. Keep in mind that CR calculations are heavily affected by monster traits.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) December 12, 2014
@martywalser @mikemearls Also: CR is not a pure mathematical formula. The nature of exceptions-based monster design means making estimations
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) December 12, 2014
@martywalser @mikemearls And we could afford to be more thorough, and more precise, than the DMG guidelines.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) December 12, 2014
@martywalser @mikemearls We can't ship every DMG with an Excel spreadsheet and a game designer.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) December 12, 2014
@martywalser @mikemearls And keep in mind for the MM we are dealing with specific monsters; the DMG has to provide general guidelines.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) December 12, 2014
@martywalser @mikemearls So the DMG guidelines should get you close, but they can never be as precise as evaluating an individual monster.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) December 12, 2014
Any tips on 5e DMing for my wife and 12yr daughter?
“@sufuninja: Any tips on 5e DMing for my wife and 12yr daughter? They are both first time gamers. #tabletop #dnd5e”
Lots of unicorns.
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) December 12, 2014
“@gabrielolinto: @ChrisPerkinsDnD @sufuninja not lots, a blessing of unicorns.”
Yes, because unicorns are real, they get a collective noun.
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) December 12, 2014
The Harpy’s Luring Song
@pukunui81 The harpy’s Luring Song says the target “can” use a Dash action to move closer. Does that mean it doesn’t have to? #dnd5e The target of Luring Song can take the Dash action despite being incapacitated. And the target really wants to get to the harpy!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 9, 2014
About Dungeon Master Guide options
The new Dungeon Master's Guide is packed with options for #dnd—something I talked with @Polygon about: http://t.co/u5gl26ev3W
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 9, 2014