@pukunui81Am I right in thinking that the mule, riding horse, and warhorse are missing their prof bonus from their attack mod? Those creatures are, indeed, less accurate than normal.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 6, 2014
Can a familiar obtained through Find Familiar attack if it is Polymorphed?
Can a familiar obtained through Find Familiar attack if it is Polymorphed?
@ktkenshinxCan a familiar obtained through Find Familiar attack if it is Polymorphed? I wouldn't allow it in my game; a familiar is there to assist, not fight, & nothing about polymorph lifts the no attack limit.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) November 6, 2014
Dragon masks online supplement
@mikemearls @JeremyECrawford @Wizards_DnD For Rise of Tiamat: Will we get stats for the other 4 Dragon Masks in the online pdf supplement??
— Mike (@mrlong78) October 28, 2014
@mrlong78 @CHoffos @mikemearls @Wizards_DnD The dragon masks are all now in the online supplement!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 5, 2014
Owl familiar Can’t speak common. How much would you let it relay to its master?
@Brail4 @mikemearls @ChrisPerkinsDnDOwl familiar spying.It Cant speak common.How much would you let it relay to its master later? I allow a familiar to telepathically communicate simple concepts to its master.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) October 22, 2014
Does it require any action/check to use manacles vs unwilling target?
@PlaguescarredHowdy Jeremy! Quick question for you, does it require any action/check to use manacles vs unwilling target? As a DM, I would require an action. If the target isn't incapacitated, I would also require an appropriate contest.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) October 21, 2014
Mountain Dwarf without shield
@mikemearls hi sorry to bother, but if you don't mind I have a question about dnd 5e that's been bugging me (see next tweet)
— Richard Massive (@RichardMassive) November 2, 2014
@RichardMassive in the PHB things that give medium armor prof also give shields, with one exception: the Mountain Dwarf. oversight or intended? intended – shields are a little too flexible to give out as easily.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) November 2, 2014
Can you recommend a good one shot adventure to hook new players to 5th edition?
@jonredsnz @Wizards_DnDcan you recommend a good one shot adventure to hook new players to 5th edition? Phandelver may be a bit long Phandelver is basically several small adventures strung together. You could use part of it, like Cragmaw Castle.
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) October 24, 2014
In D&D 5e how is it possible to build a gunslinger which uses two handguns?
@WolfHunter83In D&D 5e how is it possible to build a gunslinger which uses two handguns? No rules allows Two-Weapon Ranged – Fighting? the key would be limiting the firearms to up to d6 damage – you can two weapon fight with ranged weapons that fit TWF reqs
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 28, 2014
@WolfHunter83Many DM would live this like a problem and prevent player to build
this type of character. An official rule would be better. So essentially you’re saying that I should House Rule the TWF rule? PH clearly says TWF needs melee weapons. yes, that is what i'm saying. you're already using firearms, so go for it.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 28, 2014