@Brail4 @JeremyECrawfordRogue attack+sneak attack v concentration. 1 damage source or two damage sources? one source
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 8, 2014
In two-weapon fighting, does it matter if the action or bonus action come first?
@SKretsingerIn two-weapon fighting, does it matter if the action or bonus action come first. Is the bonus action always with the off-hand? you can swap them around – don't think it affects anything
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 8, 2014
What are your thoughts on converting Humanoids from the Monster Manual to PC races?
@Lord_SicariousWhat are your thoughts on converting Humanoids from the Monster Manual to PC races? I was thinking Half-Ogres. in general, don’t let a new race break the 20 cap on stats. I’d go size Large, +4 Str, -2 int -2 wis
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 4, 2014
@Lord_Sicarious size Large is really good for the weapon dmg boost, but a DM can keep a handle on it
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 4, 2014
@Lord_Sicarious works best if 1/2 ogre is only melee/weapon focused PC. Risks overshadowing other warrior-type PCs
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 4, 2014
If I use Ready to make an attack with a reaction, can I also take an associated bonus action e.g. Flury of Blows?
@jeffstrainHola from SF. If I use Ready to make an attack with a reaction, can I also take an associated bonus action e.g. Flury of Blows? technically no, but in most cases it’s OK. As DM I’d adjudicate it on a per case basis. Some combos can be bogus.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 4, 2014
Can a Monk use a quarterstaff 2-handed and get a bonus unarmed strike?
Can a monk use a quarterstaff 2-handed and get a bonus unarmed strike? also, does the unarmed strike add dexterity mod to dmg?
@CoreyBatieCan a monk use a quarterstaff 2-handed and get a bonus unarmed strike? also, does the unarmed strike add dexterity mod to dmg? I’d allow it – monk in my game yesterday described it as a kick or headbutt
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 4, 2014
Does a spectator’s spell reflection work against area spells?
@pukunui81Does a spectator’s spell reflection work against area spells? The text doesn’t say it has to be the target. It just has to save. I'd rule it needs to be a spell that specifically targets the spectator, so not an AOE.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 3, 2014
Alternative Arcane Archer
@Skippy_E Hey “Double M” I want to play an arcane archer. You scrapped the feat from the playtest. Any suggestions? eldritch knight captures the basics – its abilities apply to any weapon attack, so it includes ranged ones
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 3, 2014
Does the paladin’s Great Weapon Fighting style apply to the damage dice gained from Divine Smite?
@luminapinaDoes the paladin’s Great Weapon Fighting style apply to the radiant damage dice gained from Divine Smite? #dnd No – I'd rule the benefit applies only to the weapon's damage dice.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 3, 2014