@calebrus44 @JeremyECrawford @mikemearlsIs poison applied to a weapon intended to last for the full minute, or until the weapon strikes? Lasts for the full minute.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) February 23, 2015
@wotc_rodney Implication: 20Ftr w/ +3 GSword + purple venom = 952d6+544 w/ ASurge, haste, reaction over 10 rds @zolt4r @JeremyECrawford
— calebrus44 (@calebrus44) February 23, 2015
@JeremyECrawford @wotc_rodney @mikemearls @zolt4r I’m not ready to give the official answer, since this is part of my potential-errata analysis. Fair enough.
— calebrus44 (@calebrus44) February 23, 2015
Sage Advice: You can check Poison basic rule in Player’s Handbook p.153 that only describes: “…the poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying.” In Dungeon Master’s Guide p.257 some poisons could be very lethal if last for 1 minute (10 rounds).
My advice is that applied poison last until the weapon strikes or 1 minute is passed.