If you’re upset that the Psionics tradition wizard is dead, but didn’t give feedback in the survey, well… is this a soft confirmation that we won't see it again in the future?
— BIG GREEN ROTTEN GOOSE EGG (@Squid_Lich) April 15, 2020
In today's UA document we flat out say we abandoned the Psionics wizard.
Not exactly soft.
— Dan Dillon is the Least Turnip
(@Dan_Dillon_1) April 15, 2020
Except Psionics has also been tied into intelligence because it’s powers of the mind :3 In certain versions of psionics, sure.
— Dan Dillon is the Least Turnip
(@Dan_Dillon_1) April 15, 2020
Well like the psion. Some used charisma too, from what I remember. 2e psionics used a variety, it varied by power.
— Dan Dillon is the Least Turnip
(@Dan_Dillon_1) April 15, 2020
Last paragraph in the first section of the document intro.
— Dan Dillon is the Least Turnip
(@Dan_Dillon_1) April 14, 2020
The thing about wizards is they have access to everything you need to create that play style.
— Dan Dillon is the Least Turnip
(@Dan_Dillon_1) April 15, 2020
That's a world-building thing for Exandria. The sidebar talks about how you can just pull those spells and make them generally available and break nothing.
— Dan Dillon is the Least Turnip
(@Dan_Dillon_1) April 15, 2020
There was lots of feedback. Just mostly negative, unfortunately.
— Dan Dillon is the Least Turnip
(@Dan_Dillon_1) April 15, 2020