Does Counterspell work against a creature’s innate spell-like ability?

@GSLLC @JeremyECrawford#DnD #5e question: Does the spell, Counterspell, work against a creature’s innate spell-like ability? works against anything that is a spell. so, a creature that has an ability to cast fireball would be subject to it — Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 25, 2015 @GSLLC @JeremyECrawfordBut Medusa’s gaze. “Magical” but not a spell, so can’t […]

Writing for Wizards

@ChrisPerkinsDnD Mr. Perkins, how would you suggest someone with a genuine passion for D&D and Writing get involved with WotC?? — JB Little (@AnOsvaldo257) April 20, 2015 I know that @christulach is always on the hunt for OP adventure designers who know the rules and know how to write. — Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April […]

Island where wood elf druids & rangers guard portal to Arborea. What one deity to the elves worship?

@ChrisPerkinsDnD Worldbuilding: Island where wood elf druids & rangers guard portal to Arborea. What one deity to the elves worship? — Eric Radej (@yetibex) April 19, 2015 Rillifane Rallathil, elven god of nature, is an obvious choice. Fenmarel Mestarine, if the guardians are outcasts. — Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 19, 2015 @ChrisPerkinsDnD What if […]

To permanently kill off an Prince of Elemental Evil, would one have to kill it on its own plane?

Question: To permanently kill off an Prince of Elemental Evil, would one have to kill it on its own plane, like with gods? @ChrisPerkinsDnD — MadHatterHimself (@Madhatterhim) April 24, 2015 The DM decides. But if you play it by the book, then the answer is yes. — Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 24, 2015

Dragonborn PC

@ChrisPerkinsDnD our group is creating Dragonborn PC's for The Dragon Queen adventure. What should we call our gathering? (Tiamat Colors) — RokImmortal (@RokImmortal) April 19, 2015 The Scales of Justice! 😍 — Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 19, 2015