How to handle Power Gamers

@ChrisPerkinsDnD How do you get a party of stat-driven power gamers to open up more to the roleplaying side of D&D? — Matthijs den Daas (@AynenMakino) April 12, 2015 Award inspiration and/or XP for good roleplaying. Have NPCs initiate side conversations with their characters. — Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 12, 2015

Looting adventurers

@ChrisPerkinsDnD @Wizards_DnD How would you deal with Adventurers that want to loot every single creature/enemy they kill? — Martin Field (@MartinField) April 24, 2015 That's a natural D&D thing to do. If it bothers you, hide the good loot elsewhere. Players will begin to catch on. — Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 24, 2015

Waterborne Adventures AARRGGG!!!

Master Mike has written a new Unearthead Arcana article based on Water adventures! You can download directly pdf here: A new race: Minotaur (Krynn) with bonds, traits, names, Fighting Style: Mariner  Roguish Archetype: Swashbuckler A new Sorcerer: Storm The full article is here: It’s an amazing gift, don’t you think?    

Wyvern mount

@mikemearls @ChrisPerkinsDnD @JeremyECrawford how would you handle giving a player a wyvern mount he wants? — Andrew Johnson (@The_Grand_User) April 12, 2015 Quest to find wyvern egg. Downtime spent raising & training it. Character must be a certain level to ride it. — Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 12, 2015

Counterspell house rule

@SlyFlourishOur group is considering house-ruling counterspell so it always requires a DC roll to succeed. Players and DMs both feel cheated. #dnd Hopefully the house rule also says the caster of counterspell spends no slot on a failure vs. a spell of 3rd level or lower. — Chris Sims (@ChrisSSims) April 30, 2015 @SlyFlourish Otherwise, […]