Ed’s book

I stand not alone; I have my books. I’m not unarmed, as I have my books. I’m not unarmored; my books. I’m wiser, and alert; yes, my books. — Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 15, 2017 This tiny tattered book is my best friend, my guide, my comforter, and my sword against boredom. And it never […]

Sharktoothed longsword from the Crushing Wave Reaver in Princes of the Apocalypse, usable by PCs?

@DorianXanderSharktoothed longsword from the Crushing Wave Reaver in PotA, usable by PCs? If so, does it need any changes? what are its stats? no book with me #WOTCstaff — (((Mike Mearls))) (@mikemearls) December 30, 2016 @DorianXander 1d8 slashing damage, or 1d10 if used 2-handed. Against unarmored target, deals an extra die of damage it's powerful, […]

Does a shield count as wearing armor?

@JeremyECrawford does a shield count as wearing armor? barbarian unarmored defense and defensive fighting style? — Mathew Jansson (@Korgoth14) June 8, 2016 The barbarian's Unarmored Defense addresses whether you can use a shield with it (PH, 48). #DnD https://t.co/s5zt2AyfmU — Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) June 8, 2016 The Defense fighting style is intended to work with […]

Sage Advice – January 2016

Adventurers! Master Jeremy Crawford released a new article explaining rules about: How to calculate a creature Armor Class Unarmored defense and Mage Armor Barkskin with shields Armor Agathys Temporary Hit Point and Heroism Monster Manual errata about Kraken ad Water Elemental He’s revisiting the rules about barkskin and how it works. All answers are here: http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/rules-answers-january-2016 All […]