“So—and I ask this respectfully—you’re a hedonist, then, Lord?”
“I would see the term ‘manipulative bastard’ as more accurate. I take more pleasure in steering others and altering the world than in sensual personal satiation.”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 28, 2019
“Right now, Palonder, it would help if you saw all you could peer through all of those open doors, in swift succession. Do any of them offer views of the King, Chantratha, or piles of gold and gems?”#epicfantasy 3)
“Er…looking now, Lord. I take it this is ‘betray shabby scale of values again’ time?”
“Correct. You’re going to make a superb career courtier. If we survive and if the last of your scruples don’t.”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 28, 2019