@JeremyECrawford @mikemearls @HellcowKeith So with D&D cosmology, is Eberron another planet on the prime material plane? And by extension are Krynn and Greyhawk also planets?
— Ryan McDermott (@Verwuverhuven) July 25, 2018
Curious about the different worlds that coexist in D&D's Material Plane?
Take a look at the section called "Known Worlds of the Material Plane" in the "Dungeon Master's Guide" (p. 68). #DnD https://t.co/C87uWhmCGC
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) July 25, 2018
So they're on the MP, so you would use teleport and teleportation circle to go from world to world, not plane shift?— Justin Ray Glosson (@ivstinus) July 25, 2018
Are these two-way? Are doors the way to get TO Sigil as well or is there a different way to get there
— Tristan (@TristanPEJ) July 25, 2018
Curious about interworld teleportation? See the teleport and teleportation circle spells in the "Player's Handbook."
Curious about planar travel? See the section called "Planar Travel" in the "Dungeon Master's Guide" (p. 44). https://t.co/CtVUb8xzQd
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) July 25, 2018