@BudgetCommander(Counting EE) the Wizard’s spell list contains 252 spells. The Sorcerer contains 160. Why a 63% gap? for sorcerer, we avoid more complex spells. Sorcerer magic is simpler, more direct
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 12, 2015
@BudgetCommander(Counting EE) the Wizard’s spell list contains 252 spells. The Sorcerer contains 160. Why a 63% gap? for sorcerer, we avoid more complex spells. Sorcerer magic is simpler, more direct
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 12, 2015
Where the hell did this guy pull the 63% from?
if X = 252/252 = 1 and y = 160 / 252 = 0.63. Now multiply *100 you have for x =100 that y = 63. So y is 63% since the analog is on /100 of X
the gap is actually 100% – 63% = 37 %. Wizards do have 37% more spells.
I’m okay with the spell list.
With one Caveat:
Remove WISH from Wizards and ALL other classes.
Throughout the mythologies of which that specific spell is based, throughout each legend and lore around each creature that has such powerful magic, the ability is innate, inherent to them, and Intrinsic to their very being.
Give ONLY Sorcerers Wish (9th), Limited Wish (6th), and Minor Wish (3rd). Replicates any arcane spell one level lower, any divine spell two levels lower. Problem solved.