My favorite medival fantasy fighting style is spear and shield or just spear. I just think they are cool. Love spear and shield. I houserule spear damage in D&D to bump up to 1d8/versatile 1d10 if you have martial weapon prof.
Credit to @BrandesStoddard for that streamlined idea, I used to just make martial versions of spears.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) December 14, 2019
I really need to convince my dm of this. The fact that the martial trident is statistically identical to the simple spear should get you on the right track. There's also no martial piercing/versatile weapon in the vein of the battleaxe/longsword/warhammer, so spear fits nicely in there with a martial upgrade.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) December 15, 2019
Good example. Oberyn Martell is also great…though he does not end well. Also Achilles from Troy, in his duel with Hector.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) December 15, 2019
I think “pack tactics” should come into play if there are multiple players with the same style.