My big piece of advice from this morning's #ttrpg writing panel: start small!
Once you've decided to share your awesome idea, finishing it is the hardest part. Don't set yourself up for failure by making a 300-page book your first solo project! You'll almost certainly burn out.
— Justice Ramin Arman (@justicearman) August 30, 2021
My first real project was a one-page adventure, and it was surprisingly challenging!
TTRPG fans have hundreds of unread pages on their shelves. A 5-page product is perfectly acceptable and easier for your growing audience to read and digest. 📜
— Justice Ramin Arman (@justicearman) August 30, 2021
Absolutely! If you have an abundance of ideas, you don't have to fit them all in. This just means you have more adventures you can write.
— Doctor B 🔜 ECCC & PAX Unplugged (@TheeDoctorB) August 30, 2021
This is excellent advice but I feel incredibly called out. *eyes first project that is over 300 pages* Definitely ready for small projects next as a trea Lol I knew there was at least one exception! I'm glad you put together an awesome team to help you through it. The TTRPG world is better because of your book. 🥰
— Justice Ramin Arman (@justicearman) August 30, 2021
Couldn’t have done it without them for sure ☺ Having good people on the project makes the big ambition a little easier. I still sometimes feel like a beginner though so definitely taking a small approach for next time. Sparkling heart Pshhh if you're a beginner, I'm not sure what that makes me! I look forward to literally everything you make. 😁
— Justice Ramin Arman (@justicearman) August 30, 2021
Yes!! This is my biggest piece of advice, too.
— Hannah Rose ➡️ The Netherdeep via Tal'Dorei (@wildrosemage) August 30, 2021