Here among the dead true knights, each on her own stout cord
Hangs also my last scruple, and the last time I knew dread
They died the day I heard, “Slay him. Honest men I can’t afford”
For it was my King who those words said— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 5, 2019
Still she goes on fighting, even when all witnesses are gone
So perhaps, at last, she is the one
Yet so many stars before hers have shone
And our dreamed-of freedom? Still unwon— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 6, 2019
Away and wildly weeping she now rides
For from her head the crown they have torn
And yet, some faint hope in me abides
That her royal line this realm hath not outworn— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 7, 2019