@JerrikoNew DM & players. Is it okay to start with Curse of Strahd, or do you recommend Mines of Phandelver (or another) beforehand ? Starter Set I'd start with mines – you can always transition to curse when you are done #WOTCstaff
— (((Mike Mearls))) (@mikemearls) August 14, 2016
curse of strahd

How would you handle a character dying in Curse of Strahd?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD how would you handle a character dying and re-rolling a new one in Curse of Strahd? Lost adventurer, stuck for some time?
— Chris (@chrismcflynn) July 30, 2016
That's a good idea. Another option: turn Ireena Kolyana or some other NPC into a playable character. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/BHLehzDl7x
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) July 30, 2016

Would it be overkill to have Strahd…
@ChrisPerkinsDnD From a story standpoint, would it be overkill to have Strahd animate the menhirs in Berez to attack? Sacrilege and all?
— JB Little (@DropTheDie) August 9, 2016
Love it! Make it so. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/n17eyTFFTY
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 9, 2016

Curse of Strahd, what level do you recommend to start at? The encounter tables are brutal!
@ChrisPerkinsDnD I'm beginning a run of Curse of Strahd, what level do you recommend to start at? Cuz the encounter tables are pretty brutal
— Algard Blademaster (@DuckmanTheTenth) August 31, 2016
You can start Curse of Strahd at 1st level using the "Death House" module in appendix B. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/qu6lW5psop
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 31, 2016
@ChrisPerkinsDnD @DuckmanTheTenth Death House is a creepy good adventure. My group consists of cops and EMTs. Even they were creeped out.
— Michael Freeman (@mykesfree) August 31, 2016
"Death House" was based on an idea by @JeremyECrawford 🏚 https://t.co/LgKw0xFZ4m
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 31, 2016

Would a visiting adventurer who dies in Barovia reincarnate as a different person?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD If souls can't leave Barovia, would a visiting adventurer who dies there eventually reincarnate as a different person?
— Auburn Elvis (@AuburnElvis) August 29, 2016
Yes, some lucky Barovian newborn down the line might "inherit" that character's soul. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/GgGo6rGkqU
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 29, 2016

Curse of Strahd or Storm King’s Thunder for a newbie DM and players?
@pdoh00 @ChrisPerkinsDnD CoS or SKT for a newb DM and players? SKT – it's a little more traditional fantasy, familiar for newbies #WOTCstaff
— (((Mike Mearls))) (@mikemearls) August 17, 2016

Is there a novel on Curse of Strahd?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD I have literally spent the last 4 days wayching and catching up on all things #wafflecrew. Is there a novel on CoS?
— Jeniffer Seaholm (@Rogue21121) August 28, 2016
No, but there are a few "classic" Ravenloft novels worth reading (I, Strahd by P.N. Elrod, etc.). #WOTCstaff https://t.co/cbaK0bFlU5
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 29, 2016

Having a hard time finding the “voice” of my druid any tips?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Having a hard time finding the "voice" of my druid I just rolled. Any tips? Running CoS
— Mr. President (@presbc) August 2, 2016
Try to think of 3-5 short catchphrases you can say in-game. Also, how's your Peter Lorre impression? #WOTCstaff https://t.co/XabWeQQW90
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 2, 2016