@Gyor1 @Jacobonautdoes the Changeling’s shapeshift ability work like the polymorph spell including taking on the new forms nope – stats remain the same
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) February 4, 2015

If you were to put a Quori to sleep, where would it go, could another quori invade its dream?
@HellcowKeith @JeremyECrawford I noticed that the Quori and the inspired arent Immune to Unconscious and more notably arent immune to magical sleep.If you were to put a Quori to sleep, where would it go, could another quori invade its dream? would it affect them like banishment?
— sam scott (@appleye4) August 19, 2020
When a dream creature enters the realm of dreams, it's like the movie Inception—mutable realities layered on each other.
Dreams within dreams within dreams within … #DnD https://t.co/6VNBFKvCb6
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 20, 2020

Given the DragonMarks are subraces, does this mean the Artificer’s Magic Item Savant allows you to ignore them?
Given the DragonMarks are subraces, does this mean the Artificer’s Magic Item Savant allows you to ignore them for the purpose of attuning to magic items as it allows you to ignore all class, race, spell and level reqs or are they not part of the actual race? The artificer can ignore the requirement!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) February 12, 2020

Artificer: Is the Infused Items column the MAX infusions you can have active at one time?
Question for @JeremyECrawford regarding the Artificer Class in #dnd . Is the Infused Items column the MAX infusions you can have active at one time or just how many per day you can make? Can a 2nd level Artificer have 2 Infused Items total or 4 (making 2 per day?)…
— Titus (@DandGeezer) February 3, 2020
The Infused Items column in the artificer's class table shows the maximum number of objects that can bear your infusions at one time. For example, an 8th-level artificer can have three infused items at one time. #DnD https://t.co/IdVzb6VVLB
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) February 3, 2020

If I have the homunculus servant infusion and an eldritch cannon/iron defender out can I activate all of them to attack with same bonus action?
@JeremyECrawford if I have the homunculus servant infusion and an eldritch cannon/iron defender out can I activate all of them to attack with same bonus action. same Q if I multiclass to the UA wildfire druid. ie how many pets can I have and activate at same time? #DnD #artificer
— Trey (@localtrey) December 4, 2019
The text of each bonus action in D&D defines what it can do (command your pet, make an extra attack, or something else). A bonus action doesn't activate another bonus action, unless a feature explicitly says such a thing happens. #DnD https://t.co/Nslysui5dg
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 4, 2019

Are the Warforged going to be possibly included in the world of Exandria? Either as NPC or potential PC race?
@CriticalRole @matthewmercer I was wondering, what with the release of the new Eberron book, are the Warforged going to be possibly included in the world of Exandria? Either as npc or potential PC race?
— Chronobolt (@chronobolt) December 11, 2019
Warforged are Eberron-specific, and while not technically not canon in Exandria, you are welcome to include them in your home Exandria games however you see fit! https://t.co/ULf4FZJJhm
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) December 11, 2019
Not necessarily. I just find the warforged SO heavily tied to Eberron as a setting, that it feels strange to try to squeeze it into my own.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) December 11, 2019
To clarify, they certainly CAN exist in Exandria! They just may not be the common, walking-the-streets level folks. If they do, they’d be extremely rare, regarded as an automaton at first, and possibly linked to Age of Arcanum experimentation.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) December 12, 2019
I did an Exandria holiday four-shot a week ago where I played a Juggernaut Warforged called SANTA_PRIME.
Hahahahahahaha! I approve.— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) December 12, 2019

How does the Artificer feature Repeating Shot interact with the Loading property?
@JeremyECrawford how does the new Artificer feature Repeating Shot interact with the Loading property? I know in a recent Dragon+ you said the infusion made it so you didn't need the free hand for the Ammunition property. Can you fire twice if you have Extra Attack?
— DMDanDanFielding (@DMdandanfieldng) December 4, 2019
A weapon with the Repeating Shot infusion ignores the loading property. #DnD https://t.co/yz66n5VCoH
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 4, 2019

Are the Greater Dragonmarks staying a part of Wayfinder’s guide, or getting removed completely?
Are the Greater Dragonmarks staying a part of Wayfinder’s guide, or getting removed completely? Greater dragonmarks gave you additional spells. We moved the additional spells into the dragonmarks themselves.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 12, 2019