Joining in on @Kiranansi's #AprilTTRPGMaker a few days late: 1. I'm Keith Baker, creator of #Eberron for #DnD and @Phoenix_RPG. 2. I'm in Portland, Oregon. 3. The first TTRPG I worked on was a Star Wars hack of AD&D, when I was 9 years old. I've always loved shared storytelling.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 3, 2018

Can the magic/technology used to create Warforged also be used to create artificial limbs for amputees?
Can the magic/technology used to create Warforged also be used to create artificial limbs for amputees? #Eberron Not by canon, but I'm sure it's something that Jorasco and Cannith are exploring. There's a number of tricky issues based on how warforged are made. Magic of Eberron presented other forms of grafted limbs (plant, elemental) but not warforged.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 3, 2018

What are the Chamber-CotSilver Flame relations, if any?
On the topic of dragons… what are the Chamber-CotSilver Flame relations, if any? -I guess both have had joint operations-perhaps unbenknownst to the Church- sometimes The Chamber is a secretive organization that manipulates humanity. It’s surely used the Church of the Silver Flame as a tool, but it doesn’t engage with them as equals. An individual dragon might choose to reveal itself to trusted agents, but it’s a secret order.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 25, 2018
And bear in mind that while the end goals the Chamber pursues are better for humanity than the goals of the Lords of Dust, they might destroy nations in pursuit of those goals. The Chamber could have easily caused the Mourning.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 25, 2018
Dragons see humans the way we see rats. You don’t treat them as equals, you don’t let them run wild in your home, and if you have to kill thousands of them to find a cure for cancer, you do it… and those few who DO really like them are seen as eccentric.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 25, 2018

How long would you say magebreeding has been practiced in #eberron?
It's something Vadalis has been refining and expanding for centuries. So the range of creatures, and its effectiveness have been expanded.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 19, 2018

Does it seem reasonable that -81,000yk hill giants in xen’driik would be…
does it seem reasonable that -81,000yk hill giants in xen’driik would be at the early stages of domesticating crops, farming, beer, & animal husbandry if you assume the elemental splits came after Aurelonstrix started teaching them & drow were made from eldar? It's a question of what the "core" giant species was and if it possessed mystical capabilities that world have affected their development. The Stormreach book notes that Hill Giants specifically are likely the result of Draconic curses that are eroding the giant species…
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) February 6, 2018
… So it may be that the first giants were closer to Cloud Giants than to Hill Giants. And we know that the powerful civilizations of Xen'drik were forged by Titans, so the question is when and how the first Titans appeared.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) February 6, 2018
It's logical to say that there must have been a time in which giants didn't possess arcane magic and thus had a more primitive civilization. It's equally plausible to say that the giants CREATED the Titans after learning magic – perhaps something Ourelon didn't anticipate.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) February 6, 2018

Is there any region or province of the Five Nations you see likely to secede -as the Eldeen Reaches did?
Is there any region or province of the Five Nations you see likely to secede -as the Eldeen Reaches did? Perhaps a Karrn region whose warlord rebels? A Thrane province which desires to restore monarchy? And what about Breland… a region that wishes no monarchy?Any of those are possible. The question is what events trigger it & why they think they can stand alone. Western Aundair joined with the Towering Woods because the TW acted in their defense; they didn’t stand alone, they merged with a strong established ally.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) March 2, 2018
In Karrnath, I think an attempted coup is more likely than a secession. If a Brelish province secedes, I’d expect them to ally with someone else – Zilargo, Droaam, Darguun.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) March 2, 2018

Another fun use of Warlocks is to reflavor Eldritch Blast as bow attacks…
Another fun use of Warlocks is to reflavor Eldritch Blast as bow attacks and play an arcane archer. There are fire and ice themed EB Invocations in UA, not to mention Repelling Blast, Eldritch Spear, Agonizing Blast, and Grasp of Hadar. Certainly. That’s an approach I described under “Artificer” towards the end – the idea of a Hawkeye artificer tinkering with a crossbow – but it’s just as appropriate for an arcane archer.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 27, 2018

Is it ever addressed why goblinoids have not developed a dragonmark on Khorvaire?
Is it ever addressed why goblinoids have not developed a dragonmark after thousands of years living on Khorvaire?Dragonmarks aren’t tied to evolution. “Humans” and “Elves” didn’t develop dragonmarks; a handful of specific bloodlines within those races were marked. It’s a mystery of the Prophecy why those specific bloodlines (and races) were chosen.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) February 8, 2018
Beyond that, there are 13 marks, 13 planes, and 13 moons. Common belief is that these are all connected- which is a reason we haven’t thrown in additional marks. In my Eberron, for a new dragonmark to appear, one of the existing ones would have to disappear.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) February 8, 2018