We really are looking at ways to bring all the settings back

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Do any entities hold jurisdiction over the various waters and coasts of Eberron?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Is Io, the Creator of Dragon Gods, related to the Progenitor Wyrms in some way?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Do you regret after 13yr the PHB races/classes are all Forgotten Realms…

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Is there any reason why more dragonmarks couldn’t show up on monstrous droaam…

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

So, if you do Eberron, a new set of core books might be required?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Eberron is synonymous with noir, any advice/inspiration/resources for running?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild