@HellcowKeith read somewhere that Valenar slaughtered thousands of Cyrans as they fled the Mourning. That true?
— Bryce The Human! (@DoctorBadWolf) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolf I didn’t write it, and I take some issue with it; there’s nothing about it that fits the Valenar ethos, unless……. Their patron ancestor was known for slaughtering innocents. With that said, my explanation is that they were… (2/3)
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolf … freaked out by the surge of crazed refugees fleeing the Mourning and could have seen it as an attack or a plague. (3/3)
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolf So: it's a thing that's in canon without explanation & makes little sense – so it's a question of making it make sense.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017
@HellcowKeith hrm. I may just say that in my Eberron they didn’t kill them, but didn’t take them in, either. Idk. Thanks for the thoughts it didn't feel right to me, either. What do u think is a more likely response?
— Bryce The Human! (@DoctorBadWolf) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolf I could see the Valenar perceiving it as an invasion (it WAS during war) and repelling them, resulting in death by Mourning.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolfalso, would aberration be a good favored enemy for a Cyran ranger who makes forays into the amour land for artifacts+ samples Sure, but the majority of Mournland creatures may not be aberrations; many are magical beasts (carcass crab) or spirits.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolf even Unarmed people, or people who surrender immediately, obviously running for their lives? I have trouble imagining them ATTACKING a mob of civilians. But if they have a natural border and say "Don't cross this"…
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolf … and the mob swarms across, I could them resorting to violence to hold the line.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolf but the Valenar a) look for challenges and b) honor their ancestors, neither of which suggest mass slaughter of civilians.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolf UNLESS the ancestor in question IS infamous for slaughtering civilians; if so, there may be a specific warband that does.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolf that makes sense! I could see a specific warband emulating a vicious ancestor carrying out an infamous massacre, attributed to all Valenar.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017
@DoctorBadWolf Side note: I expect some similar incidents on most borders… especially Karrnath, as undead aren't especially sympathetic.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 23, 2017