Life is like an action-packed thriller movie, only with fewer bodies, dead or bare, and no car chases. But I can hum the right mood music!
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 4, 2015

Forgotten setting
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Is the FR the official setting for D&D 5th edition?? Thanks.
— Sandro Cristiano (@sandrocristiano) May 23, 2015
All of our settings, several of which are discussed in the 5E core rulebooks, are official 5E settings.
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) May 23, 2015

Ed’s windows
My house is growing more books than I thought possible. Thousands of windows to imaginary worlds I want to revisit. Down with reality!
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 27, 2015

Ed’s bottle
I’ve never found stories in the bottom of a glass. Sometimes, however, they lurk in the depths of a bottle.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 27, 2015

Enter Elminster
Hey folks, I've posted the third installment of Unofficial History on FRS for your reading pleasure. :}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 25, 2015

Spellfire Wielders
@TheOzymandiasIIAny chance of Spellfire coming back now that the Weave is repaired in Faerun? definitely possible
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 23, 2014

In Forgotten Realms how common are magical means to extend your life?
@XoriniteWisp In FR, how common are magical means to extend your life (pots of longevity, etc) among non-magical people? Nobles, rulers. Goes up and down over time: getting popular in the 1350s, crash of course during Spellplague, still rare in 1490s…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 13, 2017

Is atheism a thing in Forgotten Realms?
@aus_maverick Is atheism a thing in Toril? The gods and their works are so prevelant, is disbelief at all common?be hard to say gods don't exist, but I imagine there are those who question whether they should be worshipped #wotcstaff
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) March 9, 2017