@Agamemnon5174if u could do one rpg supplement for FR entirely up to you what would it be? Me id like to see a future book kinda thing A book of the background conspiracies and intrigues that have been going on from, say, 1300 to date, and their campaign uses.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 9, 2016

Is there a timeline showing all the years in Forgotten Realms?
@JorgenPedersen2 is there some sort of timeline available showing all the years in Forgotten realms? Yes. The Grand History of the Realms hardcover. Covers up until the Spellplague. (Since then? Not public.)
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 16, 2016

How do you keep your Forgotten Realms campaigns on track with so many branching options?
@ido_tamir I’m a huge fan! How do you keep your realms stories / D&D campaigns on track with so many branching options? Any tips? My campaigns have always been FULL of subplots, because my PLAYERS decide where their characters go and what they do. I just …
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 12, 2016
@ido_tamir ovide the commentary. I DO record play sessions (not to keep), so I can go back and nail down things I've forgotten.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 12, 2016

Which god is the epitome of Good in Forgotten Realms?
@fieldmechanikWhich god is the epitome of Good in Forgotten Realms? Chauntea, Eldath, and Lurue are all close. ;} "Epitome"? You'll have their clergy arguing, you will. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 13, 2016

About Veldorn Beastlands Forgotten Realms
@Tobbun Yes, Veldorn is now independent city-states ruled by monsters. Chavyondat is now "monied factions rule" with deity-ident much less..
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2016
@Tobbun ..important/influential. It's now: how much city property do you own, who local do you business with, and how much coin do you…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2016
@Tobbun …lend/invest. Those things determine your influence, so oligarchy of influential placing members of council. And yes, kenkus are..
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2016
@Tobbun …many, and very politically active, as well as in trade (loaning coin, investing, doing financial/trading tricks). Current new…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2016
@Tobbun …craze: custom armor (for all the different beast body shapes). Class differences weakening, as coin is all, new philosophies…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2016
@Tobbun …arising, so faith doctrine less powerful.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2016

Do the barovians accept Forgotten Realms coins?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Do the barovians accept only barovian coins or the pg can use the coins from forgotten realms too?Sorry for the bad english
— Gianni Di Bells (@GianniDiBells) April 5, 2016
They can't afford to be picky and will accept coin from anywhere. https://t.co/I4Q3e7SdUs
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 5, 2016

Will Booming Blade trigger before the Sentinel feature takes effect?
@chopkins779Will booming blade trigger before the Sentinel feature takes effect? Opportunity attacks happen just before they leave reach. i believe the creature then takes damage, unless it opts to stop moving immediately and stay in your reach
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) January 30, 2016
@chopkins779 When is booming blade’s effect triggered? Does the creature have to expend a full 5 feet of movement? essentially, yes. that's enough to move from one spot to another for game purposes
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) January 30, 2016

Curses of the Forgotten Realms
I’ve found an interesting article written by Master Ed Greenwood about curse of the Forgotten Realms after the Sundering.
- The House of Velarr
- Althur’s Spidergout
- Balarthran’s Recurring Profanity
- Cloahkaudra’s Follicular Fury
- Hanra’s Leaking Liquescence
- Jarrakal’s Hallucinations
- Jonatha’s Clumsiness
- Metalbane
- Zult’s Unquiet Slumber
Here the full description of these curse spells that you can use instead Bestow Curse spell :