Has there been any kind of time magic in the Forgotten Realms?

Forgotten Realms Sossal lore help?

The Realms are so big!

How would Waterdeep City Watch deal with dangerous, maybe magical threats?

Looking for some info bout Castle Valjevo in Phlan, why is it called so?

Where would one find temples for Eilistraee post-Spellplague?

Does Qilue Veladorn have a Tomb in Waterdeep?

Forgotten Realms: The First Tale of Mirt In the Time After the Sundering

ADVENTURERS, are you looking for Realms lore?!

Master Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms , recounts a beautiful tale of the first FR character: Mirt the Moneylender!

Download here: http://bit.ly/FRealmsMirtAllThings

A story about Waterdeep’s oldest living Lord in the days after the novel Death Mask, in Ormpur, the city of Saffron… ALL THINGS THROUGH THE BRIGHT FLAMES!