@NicolasCSIs there currently political intrigue and chaos in Tethyr as in your original Realms? Heh. There is ALWAYS political intrigue in Tethyr, and usually a fair amount of chaos (brigands, skirmishes between duchies).
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 12, 2016
How rare are level 10+ wizards in Faerun?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Got to a point in SKT that has a teleportation circle, & a question came up: how rare are level 10+ wizards in Faerun?
— George Sutherland H (@Acr0ssTh3P0nd) November 13, 2016
Officially, Faerûn has an abundance of high-level wizards. Also officially, a DM can disregard this fact. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/1gmCNFvze3
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) November 13, 2016
Would the city of Waterdeep have lvl 20 wizards or sorcerers?
@Younes_KEWould the city of waterdeep have lvl 20 wizards or sorcerers, or is it rare to have characters that powerful in the realms? They're rare than you might think, but yes, Waterdeep would have a few. Some with public profile, more hiding their full power.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 23, 2016
Is Waterdeep the 2nd largest city in Faerûn?
#DnD @TheEdVerse
I’ve gotten curious of something;
Calimport has been stated to be the biggest city in Faerûn (if not Toril)
[1/2]and Waterdeep has been called its Northern counterpart before;
So is Waterdeep the 2nd largest city in Faerûn?— MadHatterHimself (@Madhatterhim) September 19, 2016
@Madhatterhim Short answer: No. Waterdeep has a large TRANSIENT population (visiting traders, nobles who go south to more temporate climes..
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 19, 2016
@TheEdVerse – Well…
That was a far more politically loaded question than I expected it to be!
Thanks for the highly detailed answer there!— MadHatterHimself (@Madhatterhim) September 19, 2016
@Madhatterhim A pleasure! Always up for Realmslore. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 20, 2016
I was wondering if the Cloaks of Mulmaster have a symbol, do they wear particular colors too?
@Dvergr76Hey Ed. I was wondering if the Cloaks of Mulmaster have a symbol and what it looks like. Do they wear particular colors too? They all have dark maroon weathercloaks (hoods, ankle-length, heavy fabric against winter cold) and ankle-length black cloaks..
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 14, 2016
@Dvergr76 …but usually wear these only when gathering to admit, dismiss, or discipline members. Under them, and the rest of the time, …
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 14, 2016
@Dvergr76 ..they dress as they please. They seldom use their symbol, which is a tall, slender tower (thin triangle) against a maroon sky…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 14, 2016
@Dvergr76 (representing the real Tower which is their formal meeting-place/seat of power). On rare occasions they send written messages…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 14, 2016
@Dvergr76 (usually to the Blades) written on paper (yes, Mulmaster has fine paper; mills in the Vast to the south of the city) with …
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 14, 2016
@Dvergr76 …vertical stripes down left side of page (black outside, maroon inside, ALMOST touching, stripes about the width of an adult…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 14, 2016
@Dvergr76 …finger. A few older Cloak members have finger-rings or belt buckles with the tower symbol graven on them (in an oval), but in..
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 14, 2016
@Dvergr76 …general, this group isn't big on symbols or colors or pageantry. They like to influence through fear, and personally stay …
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 14, 2016
@Dvergr76 …anonymous. (Hope these lore tidbits help.)
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 14, 2016
Are the Darksong Knights still active and part of the Harpers?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD @mikemearls @Wizards_DnD are the Darksong Knights(order of Eilistraee Paladin) still active and/or part of the Harpers?#dnd
— Teagan le Fey (@Teagan_leFey) September 14, 2016
@Teagan_leFey They are. Thin on the ground at the moment, but very much active.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 15, 2016
@Teagan_leFeythank you. May’ryn won’t have to be as alone as she was in 4e. #dnd #drow #5e #eilistraee #paladin #critterpc You're very welcome! The Dark Dancer rises!
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 15, 2016
How did Mordenkainen end up in Elminster’s care?
@JTOverathI either forgot or missed it but how did Mordenkainen end up in Elminster’s care in the latest @TheEdVerse Realms book? El is nursing Mordenkainen back to (mental) health. Ask @ChrisPerkinsDnD for more! :}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 21, 2016
Where I can find info on the population of the Forgotten Realms cities?
@narcisolemaHi Ed, I was reading books of Forgotten Realms but I couldn’t find the population of the cities. Where I can find that info? It's not a constant, even with 1 year (Waterdeep has huge summer pop, small winter one). And tax rolls are the only count in…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 25, 2016
@narcisolema …most places, and aren't very accurate for total pop. I gave many cities pop figures in (2e) ForgottenRealmsAdventures hc…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 25, 2016
@narcisolema …and the 3e FRCS and all of the regional sourcebooks (Shining South, Unapproachable East, etc.) give pop figures. Baldur's…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 25, 2016
@narcisolema …Gate figs: see Murder in BG. Every DM should feel free to alter for their own campaign, of course. Update as you see fit. :}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 25, 2016