What are SRD, OGL and dmsguild.com ? Answers!



I need to take a deep breath (…my old body) and try to explain better what happened to our favorite game yesterday.

System Reference Document – SRD

Well, a new System Reference Document (SRD) for Dungeons&Dragons 5edition is avaiable under the Open Gaming License (OGL)
So you can:

  • Design content using the 5e rules for Dungeons&Dragons
  • Publish original campaigns world using 5e rules
  • Print and sell 5e D&D product on your own

Download the document here:

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Dungeon Master Guild – dmsguild.com or DungeonMastersGuild.com

Dungeon Masters Guild is a website and a new program that allows you to create content (adventures, monsters, archetypes, backgrnds, etc.) using Wizards of the Coast intellectual property (IP) and to make some money while you’re at it.

So you can:

  • Design content using the 5e rules for Dungeons&Dragons
  • Publish original campaigns world using 5e rules
  • Publish content using the Forgotten Realms
  • Sell my product in the D&D online marketplace
  • Your content rated by the largest network of D&D players
  • Your content considered for additional publication by Wizards
  • Your content considered for inclusion in digital games
  • Your content considered for inclusion in Wizards marketing

Visit dmsguild.com to start your creative adventure.

In dmsguild.com there are a lot of new official e non-official pdfs for free or buy.

Question and Answers from D&D Designers

Now there are a lot of Questions and our Masters are answering via Twitter. I’m collecting all tweets but at the bottom of this post there’s the big answer.

























Open Game Lincense for Dungeons&Dragons! – OGL SRD Document and Dungeon Masters Guild!



Is an incredible news, now you can share your adventures and everything you want about D&D .
Download here:


There’s more!
A new web site where you can buy&sell your adventures, an amazing method to self-publish your ideas about the best game ever made.


Here you can find a lot of the Adventures League adventures as

And many more never published adventure module!

But there are other options for you:

One more thing, you can download all the art from D&D as special Packs Here!

Would you use strenght or intelligence modifier with a spell like Green-Flame Blade?

Bluelake district? What happened to Blacklake?

Murder in Baldur’s Gate DM Screen

You can buy this 5edition Forgotten Realms official adventure here: 


Murder in Baldur’s Gate was described as The First Battle of the Sundering in Forgotten Realms.
The Adventure module
 briefly explains the basics of the event, saying that the Sundering begins in 1479 and is a time “when many of the gods designate mortals to be their Chosen”

Includes the 32-page Adventure Guide, the 64-page Campaign Guide, and the DM Screen that were included in the original printed package, plus the three downloads: the 16-page Launch Guide, the 10-page Event Supplement, and the 24-page Monster Supplement.


Neverwinter 50 years ago