morning sage! A random thought from a segment on today’s @CBSNews Sunday Morning on California’s bristle cone pines, trees up to 4800 years old. So I wonder if an analogue exists on Toril, and being so long-lived, do these…1/ Trees engender veneration from humanoids, perhaps elves?
— Robert Paslay (@robpasl) November 28, 2021
Oh, yes. Elves, particularly sylvan elves (wood/copper and wild/green) venerate long-lived trees (of all species) as sentient, “abiding” (patient, sentinels) foci of “good”/right (woodland) natural energies.2)
See Amarune’s Alamanac: Forests of the Realms (Vorpal Dice Press, available in digital form at the DM’s Guild) for examples of some druid spells that are akin to elven spells and the magics such trees can generate when…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 28, 2021
…asked in the right ways. An elf might ask a tree for guidance and then go into reverie to see what visions the tree sends, and might leave offerings of things that can nourish the tree, but this veneration does not mean the… 4)
…elf sees the tree as a god like Corellon Larethian.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 28, 2021