This gets asked a lot.
Volo was in magical stasis, as were (by blueflame item means) individuals like Mirt.
Many mages have means of prolonging lifespan that don’t involve lichdom, e.g. potions of longevity (and they didn’t always work the way they do in 5e).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 26, 2021

Are clerics basically inferior at everything version of wizard?
Whats special about clerics then, and what is the reason to be a cleric instead of wizard?
Are clerics basically inferior at everything version of wizard?— Viktor Gray (@VikGray) May 18, 2021
Clerics are devout followers of a deity who dedicate their lives to furthering that deity’s aims and desires in the world, and who are given a special status and powers (including divine spells, not to mention in some cases… 2)
…being directly rescued by the deity or a servitor of the deity) as a result of their dedication. That’s the reason to be a cleric.
Wizards must have the Gift (innate ability to master the Art = arcane magic) in order to work…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 19, 2021
…any magic at all (as opposed to just being a sage of magic). A cleric might have the Gift, too, but choose to worship and serve instead. One’s not inferior to the other, and neither is a “version” of the other.
As I ponder… 4)
…your question, I’m guessing (may be wrong) that you’re thinking in D&D game terms of cleric vs. wizard. Sorry, but I very seldom do that (except when designing official products, and so, wearing my game designer hat); …#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 19, 2021
…otherwise, I’m thinking of the Realms as a world (remember, I created it as a setting before the game came along).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 19, 2021
Nah, not vs, mostly to know what is _special_ about the class. You definitely know as an author how much space occupied by wizarding characters in your books and the importance of Mystra’s chosen.
And how messy everything including the plot is when it comes to something clerical Ah. So what's special about the cleric class is the chance to have a direct connection with (and personal advice and guidance from, or even to be personally favoured by) a deity, and so have a gameplan for one's life, and standing in the community.
And you can heal.;}#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 19, 2021
So is it just Mystra who tends to rescue and favor non-clerics? Surprised she doesn’t have a Mystic Theurge chosen (one who does both arcane/divine magic) but they are all wizardsNo, there are several Chosen who aren't wizards. And if you look over time, at past Chosen, "several" becomes "quite a few."#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 20, 2021

What are the standard honorifics in the Forgotten Realms? I.e., Mister, Miss, Ma’am…
Skeleton chuckling in the night
Making doorstep delivery ere the dawn light
It’s something grisly in a bottle
Don’t let it out; they often pounce and throttle— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 13, 2021
Still “saer” and “milady/m’lady” for most folks, when addressing most others (“my lady” is more formal, and “lord saer” is more humble/reverent).
Note that “saer” is not “sir;” it means you want to be polite and respectful, but… 2)
…don’t know someone’s rank or official title. “Friend” is sometimes menacing/a warning (“I don’t know, friend, but I DO know…”), but need not be (tone of voice makes the difference). “Fellow” is safer (means “fellow sufferer”).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 14, 2021

Piergeiron the Paladinson. did he have 2 wifes “Shaleen, Maethiira”, or were they 2 separate women?
a quick question: Piergeiron the Paladinson. did he have 2 wifes “Shaleen, Maethiira”, or were they 2 separate women? the TSR materials imply that 2 separate women. do you know any of the details from the top of your head? Two wives.
Not at the same time, of course.
And one died and he later wed another (no divorce or anything like that).
I'll have to dredge up my notes to give you any substantial details…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 28, 2021

Do you pronounce Thay with a th or a t?
Behold: linguistically, the Realms never sleeps.
Because those who love it never do.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 25, 2021

What do foresters do in the Forgotten Realms?
Dear @TheEdVerse,
I hope this question doesn’t sound silly.
What do foresters do?
For example, if I’m a young man or woman born and raised in Firefall Vale and I become a forester working the northern edge of the Hullack, what sort of work is that, exactly?
Thank you Ed! Depends on the local community/economy. In some places, you're a woodcutter. In some places, a hunter, or a guide, or someone who keeps the trails clear/repairs bridges and blazes. Or someone who tends forest plants like a gardener, or tends and breeds forest animals.#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 25, 2021
And in some places, a forester is all of those, or some of them in combination, or a tree planter/transplanter/harvester and banker of seeds.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 25, 2021
Thank you, Ed!
Would a Crown Forester have duties significantly different from any of those you listed?
Might they have additional rights associated with their position as Crownsworn? A Crown Forester has all of the aforementioned duties and must guard the royal forests against unlicensed woodcutting and hunting, and look out for and report (to the local lord) any unusual beasts or traveling sentients (i.e. groups of Sembians or possible Zhents).#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 25, 2021

Any sea encounter suggestions between Waterdeep and Baldur’s Gate?
Ed! Y’old stalwart! I’m starting a seafaring adventure Sunday (5e rules but set in 1370 DR), the first leg of which is going to be between Waterdeep and BG. Any encounter suggestions? I have a small pirate fleet fleshed out, but what else would you recommend? Night encounter: the Ghost Ship, which "rams" (passes through) any vessel; its undead will board and storm…
An Eye of the Deep working with scrags.
A hunting penanggalan if you pass near Orlumbor…
I'd recommend whatever makes for the best adventure for your group.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 24, 2021
Sweet, thanks! I plan on having a storm run the ship aground on Pendurl, requiring a pitstop in Orlumbor for repairs, so I’ll keep the penanggalan in mind. Oh man, they’re grisly! Yes! And best deployed as stealth-attacking a lone PC, not confronting the party en masse.
Or you could have it wipe out captain, steersman, first mate, and then start on the PCs, so they need to stay in Orlumbor and re-crew (more chances to throw adventures at them).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 24, 2021

Can a Weave Anchor function outside the Forgotten Realms, that meaning off-world, Wildspace or outside the Realms’ planar boundries?
I’ve trying staying, ah, abreast of your tweets but the concept of the Weave Anchor fascinates me. Just two question in general,
Can a Weave Anchor function outside the Forgotten Realms, that meaning off-world, Wildspace or outside the Realms’ planar boundries. Second, other than Volo. How many Weave Anchors are their across Toril. Can we have any known personalities other than Volo?
— Snow-Woman, Hecatress of Dungeons (N)SFW 18+ (@CatalogFantasy) February 24, 2021
First: Weave anchors are of two sorts: stationary “things”/sites (like the Athora in Thay) and mobile (usually beings, but sometimes items such as gems). Some of the mobile ones have the means to depart Toril, and are still Weave anchors, but the Weave… 3)
…Weave anchors, including: the Chosen, Manshoon, Mirt, Durnan, and Halaster. Some of them don’t even know Mystra has made them so, and many of them are still “secret” Weave anchors to those who take an interest in such things. If you notice an NPC with a…2)
…itself is a mere ghost they trail when outside Toril (i.e. they don't really extend the Weave to the "outside" locale, except insofar as Mystra being able to see and hear through them and communicate with them).
Second, many "known" Realms personalities are…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 24, 2021
Mansoon, a Weave Anchor? There's some irony in that one.
— Snow-Woman, Hecatress of Dungeons (N)SFW 18+ (@CatalogFantasy) February 24, 2021
So, I can, say have one built under a temple site? I am playing with an idea or two… Oh, yes. That's a GREAT place to put one. The clergy keep folks from exploring, digging it up and destroying it or carrying it off.
Which would be why Mystra has used that dodge a time or sixty-two already. ;}#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 25, 2021
Can’t someone take advantage of a being or object being a Weave Anchor? Sure, if they know that being or object is a Weave anchor, and they can confidently take on Mystra and Azuth and all of Mystra's Chosen.
So, with a few exceptions, only the insane need apply.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 25, 2021