“@thoughtlessday: is there a DND for Dummies? Want to start a campaign with family. We are all new.”
The Starter Game box would be ideal.
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) March 17, 2015
lost mine of phandelver
Brute bugbear
@doug_justice I’m running the LMoP (loving it!) and the Bugbear picked up a greatsword. With his Brute ability, would he do 3d6 or 4d6? 3d6
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 15, 2014
Dessarin Valley map scale – Prince of the Apocalypse
@JeremyECrawford @ChrisPerkinsDnD PotA’s Dessarin Valley map scale is >2x LMoP & Scourge maps. Intentional change? https://t.co/D67SiwGITE
— Carl Jonard (@carljonard) April 30, 2015
In studying older maps, we've become aware of "scale drift" that has occurred over the years. We're still refining. https://t.co/t88Tbg6Gq0
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 30, 2015
How would you adapt the “Hoard of the Dragon Queen” campaign starting at level 5 after “Starter Set”?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD 2/2 How would you adapt the Tiamat campaign for players starting lvl5 ? I started with the Mine of Phandelver 🙂 Thanks !
— Baglio Michael (@HikenNoKrameur) January 3, 2016
I'd skip over the first part of HOARD OF THE DRAGON QUEEN at start the adventure at the Cannith Roadhouse. https://t.co/Ydx1yBrJfC
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) January 3, 2016
A new Phandalin map by Wayne Peters!
I found this map amazing, there’s also a printable version that you can hang up in your Trasendar Manor!
This is the free HD https://goo.gl/zZLd4w
If anyone’s playing through the Lost Mines of Phandelver, I did an un-labelled player version of the map of Phandalin village. It’s bird’s-eye view rather than top-down, too. Enjoy:https://t.co/xr4M2WSlGA
— Wayne Peters (@wayne_peters) February 20, 2018
Will Tomb of Annihilation have linked adventures for Lost Mines of Phandelver like Storm King’s Thunder?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Sorry if answered, but will ToA have linked adventures for LMoP like SKT? Finishing LMoP, ToA more flavorful for my party.
— Arcticias (@Arcticias) July 9, 2017
@Arcticias No, but ToA begins in a city or large town of your choice. #wotcstaff https://t.co/0KLCqIZFsq
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) July 10, 2017
How much should 1 night in the Stone Hill Inn cost?
@old_man_crow @ChrisPerkinsDnDFirst time DM, just got 2 Phandelin – how much should 1 night in the Stone Hill Inn cost? Best inn in town… i'd go with 8 sp per night, or 2 gp for their nicest accomodations #wotcstaff
— (((Mike Mearls))) (@mikemearls) December 8, 2016
Glasstaff Staff of Defense
@mikemearls in your opinion what rarity would the “staff of defence” pg 53 lost mines of phandelver
— Denis Dion (@DenisDion) January 28, 2016
I think I'd make it rare – getting shield a bunch of times is super useful. https://t.co/Plh89AGBs1
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) January 28, 2016