Does knowing the script of a language let you read any language?

I’ve been told Initiative is a skill, can rogues use it for Expertise?

I’ve been told Initiative is a skill, and thusly bards can use it for Jack of all Trades. Can rogues use it for Expertise??

Does being in a heavily obscured area like Fog Cloud impose disadvantage on any saving throws?

If a creature is immune to nonmagical weapons, does that include all nonmagical attacks?

What does arcane eye use for detecting hidden creatures/objects/traps?

Does mithral armor weigh less than normal armor?

Warlock wants to multiclass into cleric of his patron, can that happen?

Warlock player wants to Multiclass into cleric of his patron, a fallen & replaced god, without aligning beliefs. Can that happen? Thx!

If a vampire bites a charmed target…