@jvcparry @Gregtito I can neither confirm nor deny pic.twitter.com/97UgA1VHBq
— Nathan Stewart (@NathanBStewart) September 1, 2016
storm kings thunder
Any advice for 3 bards in the party against giants?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD @mikemearls As I get ready to run the GH guys through SKT, do you guys have any advice? 3 bards in the party. Seriously.
— Alex Kammer (@alexanderkammer) August 10, 2016
Giants not exactly known for their high Wisdom. Make 'em laugh, make 'em dance. thanks to Tasha and Otto! #wotcstaff https://t.co/n6lB4UTfKk
— (((Mike Mearls))) (@mikemearls) August 11, 2016
How easy will Storm King’s Thunder be to adapt to a home brew world?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD How easy will Storm King's Thunder be to adapt to a home brew world as opposed to the Realms?
— Chris Marsh (@Allakar) August 12, 2016
You can easily use the plot and adventure locations in other worlds. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/sZNWmt3CVq
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 12, 2016
What level do you reckon Drizzt is?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD may I ask a question please? Looking to settle a bet; in 5e levels and rules, what level do you reckon Drizzt is? I say 18.
— Mark-Alexander Cross (@CapricornCross) August 8, 2016
We haven't made any official stats for Drizzt. He's whatever level he needs to be for a given story. #WotCStaff https://t.co/xfQ6g7O9fv
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 8, 2016
@The_REAL_Greg_T @ChrisPerkinsDnD @CapricornCross @PaulskempAnd we’re not gonna start on @TheEdVerse’s Storm Silverhand. Wise. Storm usually "starts on" others herself. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 8, 2016
Storm King’s Thunder is already out! Spoilers
LexieJeid has found a copy of Storm King’s Thunder in a store check this reddit thread for all Q&A!
[Spoilers] Just picked up Storm King’s Thunder, AMA from dndnext
Storm King’s Thunder is loaded with roleplaying opportunities for DMs and players
Storm King's Thunder, which releases in core hobby stores TODAY, is loaded with roleplaying opportunities for DMs and players. #WOTCstaff
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 26, 2016
Characters who try to hack and slash their way through Storm King's Thunder will probably end up as roadkill. #WOTCstaff
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 26, 2016
The new Storm King's Thunder #DMQuests are out! Complete your quests to gain DM Rewards! https://t.co/uz55FFNnOx #dnd #dndal
— Adventurers League (@DnD_AdvLeague) August 26, 2016
@ChrisPerkinsDnD how hard is it? I want to DM for a group of newbies, but I don't wanna use Lost Mines. Is Storm King's a good choice?
— Caio Fagundes (@falacomcaio) August 26, 2016
It has a great starting point for newbies: the village of Nightstone. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/PTb5nUW9kD
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 26, 2016
Pokemon D&D?!
Hey @mikemearls any chance of seeing a D&D licensed game like this? Pokemon Dungeons Dragons Really interesting design.
some of you have asked that we talked
about how to design a better pokemon goso today we are going to indulge in
something that we rarely do speculativedesign
let’s take the pokemon go paradigm and
brainstorm up a game designed in thesame space that improves on it so let’s
assume that our game is in the dnd vaina swords and sorcery dungeon crawler
because without questions somebody’sgonna try to make one of those sooner or
later so first off we’re gonna need abetter combat system and a better
character system because in this gamewhat you’re going to be collecting is
gear not pokemon character equipment hasthe advantage of being much cheaper
content to produce which would allow fora huge Diablo style loot table with some
handcrafted epic gear thrown in which inturn means that players will have
thousands of things to hunt rather thanjust hundreds hunting for cool new stuff
is the main driver of this type of gameafter all
but let’s talk about how players will
acquire their gear to fill up thosecharacter sheets imagine this instead of
Po k stops locations would be hiddencaches of treasure like the sites of old
battles that sort of thingthese would be the basic loop pickups
you’d find consumables in them but youalso have a chance of finding gear maybe
not great gear but gear nonetheless thething about this gear though is that it
would be level restricted so how do youlevel
well imagine if rather than catching
pokemon you fight monsterswe’re in pokemon go you would see a
capturing pokemon here instead you wouldfind a combat encounter that you could
try your skill that the system herecould be simple that I mean even a basic
turn-based RPG combat system would bebetter than what we haven’t go and it
would have the added bonus of beingsomething that was easier to do while
walking around then trying to swipethrow a Pokeball if the game has a wide
enough variety of abilities andequipment finding an encounter that
higher level than you offering awesomeloot and XP for success could be an
exciting strategic experience and if youthrow in the possibility of maybe being
able to set up a couple of equipmentloadouts that you could choose from at
the start of the battle that wouldcreate more interesting uses for the
loot that you find and add a whole newlayer of depth to your planning and if
the company wanted to be greedy theycould also sell additional loadouts lots
I mean you gotta sell the executives on
the projects onalright next we need achievements in
pokemon go the achievements don’t reallydo anything here the obvious go to is to
have achievements reward you withexperience or gold maybe even gear but
we can do one better than that I thinkinstead what if we also gave the player
quest now it’s very tricky to do localquests ones that are unique to your
particular Parker neighborhood so let’sjust assume that we don’t have the tech
to do thatthat still leaves us with a lot of
options quest to kill 12 ogres collect20 rat tails find and defeat the Lich
Lord those are all really easy to createthe we can do one cooler remember those
pokay eggs that you had to walk aroundto spawn imagine if you had a quest that
said it would begin in four kilometersnow the awesome thing about this is that
if that’s the prerequisite then asdevelopers we can do whatever we want
with the game when the player gets thereinstead of an egg hatching and you
mulching that monster into candy anevent would start maybe you would get
jumped by for Noel’s and you have tobeat them then you’d run into a night at
the crossroads and have to answer hisquestion correctly or else have to fight
him to then you’d find a wounded soldierand if you had a potion in your pack you
could trade it for a random loot drop54
next is the lake of fire which would
require that you have 200 fire-resistantyour equipment or you fail and if you
get through that you reach the lavaDrake which will net you some sweet loot
if you can take it downthat’s what would spawn on your phone
once you journeyed far enough and rackedup enough steps the quest would begin
and then you wouldn’t have to move atall to proceed further in the quest it
would all just play shockingly like avideo game and pick if you wanted you
could still have eggs which hatchmonsters in this game too because I mean
why not let’s see what elsewell if you had enough people playing
you can also tag locations not just as apoke a stop but maybe adding a little
bit more flavor maybe people could tagplaces as taverns wilderness dungeons
adding just that little bit ofgranularity would let you do some cool
things when you’re designing quests anditems but i think the last big change
that would have to be added is somestationery play because while the game
should be played mostly outside it’skind of lame that all those awesome
things you find as you wander arounddon’t really do anything for you when
you’re stuck at home plus it helpswith accessibility allowing your friends
who maybe can’t get out much to stillget to play with you you could add a
crafting mode where you play a minigameto enchant loot or craft new weapons for
the sake of argument let’s just call it
a puzzle quest style match-3 thing you
could also add a daily dungeon that youcould play from home one which can
effectively be infinitely difficultbecause it doesn’t have a limit to
scaling you would just have to limit itto being playable once a day or maybe
put in an energy system just to makesure that the focus of the game was
still together stuff outside
oh and finally there’s the question of
parties and raids both of those thingswould be amazing i would have some
safety concerns to address before Iwould try implementing them but the
potential is totally there but if youdid all of that you would have a much
more compelling pokemon go style gamebecause the truth is the hard part of
creating a real world game is the techgetting the database of locations and
doing the monster distribution wellthat’s the big challenge but the game
design that i described here isn’tdifficult at all the costs are basically
negligible when compared with the techcost of making one of these things which
is good because pokemon go basicallyensured that we’re going to see more
real-world games and design being such asmall fraction of the cost makes it
really silly to invest all of that moneyinto getting your texts up and running
and then not invest just a tiny bit moreto create a better actual game for the
player i expect that soon we will all beout questing anyway thank you for
indulging us in some speculative designthere’s actually a lot of other
important design questions that Pokemongo raises about real-world games we will
tackle those questions soon I’m sureuntil then see you next week
— Kiel Chenier (@KielChenier) August 24, 2016
@KielChenier thanks for that link – can’t comment on what we’re working on or future projects.
— (((Mike Mearls))) (@mikemearls) August 24, 2016
The team just received their copies of Storm King’s Thunder!
Me … waiting for the release of Storm King's Thunder. #WOTCstaff pic.twitter.com/3YELgBTbSP
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 16, 2016
#StormKingsThunder #WOTCstaff pic.twitter.com/AG6dE2sAct
— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) August 16, 2016
The team just received their copies of Storm King's Thunder. They're kind of excited! #dnd pic.twitter.com/X5Nm7EpePh
— Dungeons & Dragons (@Wizards_DnD) August 16, 2016
Hooray product day! #WOTCstaff pic.twitter.com/xeTJ17VYIf
— (((Mike Mearls))) (@mikemearls) August 16, 2016
A book thundered onto our desks today! #WOTCstaff #StormKingsThunder #DnD pic.twitter.com/MEFgdllbga
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 16, 2016
@TTVsTimmyOMG…DONALD DUCK IS THE BBEG!!! I love wizard Donald Duck.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 17, 2016