@newbiedm Maybe Volo is a title, like Darth.
Heh. Nope, it's just one guy. Wizards is sitting on the web article re. his long, long life (trapped as statues, etc. many times).— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 7, 2016
@Dhomal @newbiedm Volo was so often punished by mages by being turned into things…that he slowly grew to see it as a survival tactic.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 7, 2016
@IanPlakias @newbiedm I think you’re looking into it, too much. Volo and Elminster are EG’s favorite characters, thus, they are immortal.
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Nope, far from it. Far too many gamers think authors have a say in what characters get spotlit, or stage time at all.— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 7, 2016