I’ve told this story before, and it’s kind of long, so I’ll try to condense it. A few years past, I was at @GameholeCon and ran some games for the Kid’s Track. Young players, 6 to 12 years, that sort of thing. It was awesome. 1/
— Scott Fitzgerald Gray (@scottfgray) June 29, 2021
One game featured a bright young girl (9 years old or so) who was, no lie, one of the best players I’ve ever seen. Not necessarily in terms of rules knowledge, but in terms of being part of the group. Of playing to the hilt. Of making the game better by being there. 2/ She was completely connected to every other player (all strangers to her). Supporting them when they did cool stuff. Helping them when they couldn’t figure things out (including some who’d never played before). 3/
— Scott Fitzgerald Gray (@scottfgray) June 29, 2021
And not in any “Just do X; here, I’ll roll for you” sense. More of “There’s too many flying cats to fight! I wonder if you have a spell that might help? Why don’t we check your character sheet?” No ego whatsoever. Everyone’s friend. 4/ After the game, I chatted with this wonderful young girl’s mother, and I said to her, “Your daughter is an amazing player.”
And she replied, “Thank you. We actually don’t play at home yet. But we watch @CriticalRole together.”
Anyway, happy birthday @matthewmercer. 5/5
— Scott Fitzgerald Gray (@scottfgray) June 29, 2021