The Dusk City Outlaws Kickstarter is now live! Help me make my first independent game a real thing!
— Rodney Thompson (@AntarianRanger) January 24, 2017
Dusk City Outlaws—by my past teammate Rodney Thompson (@AntarianRanger)—is on Kickstarter!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 24, 2017
Super excited for @AntarianRanger‘s Dusk City Outlaws on kickstarter! Had the chance to play already and love it!
— Trevor Kidd (@The_Trevor_Kidd) January 24, 2017
Well, it was a nice run we had there, with Dusk City Outlaws trending on Twitter. 😱
— Rodney Thompson (@AntarianRanger) January 24, 2017
I can’t say enough good things about Rodney… especially not on Twitter. Check out his new Kickstart error. It is sure to be awesome.
— Christopher Lindsay (@Onnatryx) January 24, 2017
Some of my friends are making a game. There are incentives for backing right away, so give a look.
— Chris Sims (@ChrisSSims) January 24, 2017