Very , very first Aleration Magic User that you know of Ed? ( details please) whether fr your own pnp campaign or anywhere in that vast reservoir of lore within your noggin. This answer is very important and valuable to me. Thank you , thank you and thank you in adv Consult Elminster if you must , I know he would understand. See Merlin was part Fey and more of an advisor. Saruman was a craftsman. Gandalf more of an advisor. So many But I haven't yet been able to determine the Original Alterer/Transmuter. Hazily in my crystal ball I see him.
— Domhnall Mercer (@CimmerianGod) January 13, 2020
In the Realms, the first specialized Alteration-school magic user that I know of was Imre (pronounced “IMM-ray”) the Transmuter, an artificer (wizard) of Imaskar. He likely wasn’t the first, just the first I’ve ever written 2)
…about. He was one of the builders of the city of Inupras beginning in -7979 DR (Inupras wasn’t inhabited until -7975 DR). Imre delighted in spell innovation and crafting, not in power or political importance, and was a…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 13, 2020
…teacher of many. Unambitious, he loved books and board games and good teas and cheese. He was a brown-haired man of average height and build and unremarkable looks, who wore ankle-length robes and was followed about by a… 4)
…floating-nigh-his-shoulder satchel (of his own enchanting) of teamaking items, tools, what we would call a clipboard and Imaskari called a “dereth,” plus scrolls, inks, and quills with which to write.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 13, 2020